Thursday, April 21, 2011


I've been a little annoyed today.

I will never understand why Pa has a "state store" and a "liquor store". Why are they separate? If you are going to separate anything, shouldn't it be the beer & wine from the liquor? And why do the state stores only sell HUGE amounts of beer? Well, honestly, I only know of 2 state stores and they both only carry beer in large quantities....not including Wegmans. I did not want wine tonight, I wanted a couple Yuengling...but getting a 6 pack is unheard of in this state. So, not to be an idiot after I walked into the state store I had to buy the case of Yuengling. I'm a wine girl, so it's going to take a long time to drink these beers.

At every one of Josh's baseball games there is this one Dad that stands at the fence and blocks the view of the plate. Errr...why not just ask if you can sit in the dugout? I'm sure they'd let you! Well, tonight, there were 5 people blocking my view, so I was extra annoyed....including 2 guys that came and seriously stood right in front of me and TALKED to each other instead of watching the game....REALLY? They finally moved when I kept loudly moving all of my things closer and closer.

Something that did make me chuckle though...I was getting my red tablecloth out of the dryer and I couldn't stop laughing. Why? I came home on Saturday night and my brother, Joey, was sleeping on the couch. I was getting something from the kitchen and I guess I woke him up. He stood up and wrapped his blanket around him. "Ummmm Joey? Why are you in your boxers with my tablecloth wrapped around you?". He thought it was a sheet. Hilarious....or maybe you just had to be there.


  1. I hate when people stand up at concerts and they are like already way taller than you! Ahhhh. That annoys me... I think I would be annoyed too. It's like they are so unaware of their surroundings cuz' they don't care about watching.

  2. Drives me crazy!! It's common courtesy really.
