Monday, July 22, 2013

TMI Facebook post

Well, I did it, you guys. I took the little ones to the pool solo. Joshua was quite happy that I didn't need him to accompany me today. But, I figured since it was so cloudy that I could keep Joseph in his car seat right next to me and it actually wasn't scary like I thought it would be. I don't know what I thought was going to happen...I guess it was just the initial shock of having a toddler and infant in an open area that made me nervous.
Anyway, on to bigger and better news. My cousin and his lovely lady had their baby boy today. I am so happy for them and cannot wait to meet this little guy. I have been MAKING myself NOT pack up the kiddos, jump in the car and head to see them right now because I really, really want to. But, I will wait until Wednesday. You better believe I will MAKE myself get out of here earlier than what I normally do on my Wednesday Md trips.
I was very close to my cousin growing up...I still feel close, even though we don't see each other as often as I would like. We were born 4 days apart and our mothers were always with each other and if they weren't then we were being babysat together, that he was like having a twin brother. I have so many memories of our times together....[[some more embarrassing than others]]...he taught me about wrestlers like Hulk Hogan and how to play wrestlemania, Thundercats, Transformers, G.I. Joes and Micro Machines. He used to drink the milk after I'd eat the cereal...which still grosses me out when my son and husband do it.bleh. We had so many adventures and when I learned that "borrowing" lite brite pegs from the neighbor because I thought they were pretty was, in fact, stealing, Bobby held my hand when I had to return them, as I cried, and apologized.haha. He was also a little bit of a chooch sometimes, so I comforted him too. (Sorry, Bob) Hell, we even took baths our underwear. And we still joke about our little truth or dare games we would play as we got older..daring each other to eat a twig or lick a puddle.
So, bottom line, I'm so happy for them and that they were blessed with this beautiful baby boy.
Family is so important...I know a lot of my posts include that, but it is. 

Sometimes I make a TMI Facebook post then I delete it. I start speaking my mind, hit post and then think, 'Oh, I'm acting like one of those people', then I hurry and delete. But, this isn't Facebook, now is it?
So, I may have posted about our baseball playoff season ending prematurely because of poor coaching then deleted it before anyone probably had a chance to see.
I also just got rid of my entire rant on WHY the coaching is so poor. No need to rehash, right? Just move on. I will say, Joshua has never had such a lack of confidence on any other team during his 10 years of playing ball...I'm even going to throw in the time he was the only goofy white kid on a basketball team, not even then. My husband even texted me last night, as I was giving game updates, that we have to move before next Spring.haha. That's bad.
So yeah, the team had to forfeit the game they won last night because the coach didn't follow the pitching rules. What's done is done. Moving on....
Cute picture time.

Just nursing at the big deal.

Morning kisses for the little guy.

Madeline is ready to roll!

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