Saturday, August 3, 2013

Happy TWO Months, Joseph!!

So, there's this two-month old little boy that has my heart...

Happy TWO Months, Joseph!!..or as your sister would say, Baby Jofuff.

Bright, blue eyes and a fuzzy, little head.

You are so amazing already. You have this adorable little personality and when anyone talks to you, you fall all over yourself in smiles and your arms and legs go wild. Your smile is captivating. But, you can also have this entirely serious side where you look around and take everything in. So inquisitive and aware of your surroundings. You love new people and places, taking walks, going to stores and hanging by the pool.
At home, you enjoy your swing with the music and mobile on, your playmat that plays music and has fun toys hanging around and you just started liking a jumperoo!
Such a good baby boy, you have been sleeping a solid 7-8 hours at night for the past month. But, not without your nuk, white noise machine and being swaddled. We are super impressed by your sleeping skills...though you remain in our room because we love to have you close.
You bring so much joy to our is indescribable. We absolutely adore you.
Even your cry is cute.
And now for your completely obsessed Mamas photo shoot....
He melts me.

Are those feet??

My fav.

This grin.

These eyes.

Photo shoot wore him out.

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