Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happy SIX Months, Joseph!!

I can't stand that you're half a year old already, I really can't. I know, it has to happen...it is life. You're growing, we are thankful. But, why does it need to fly by so fast?  I look at your pictures (and your sisters) after you are asleep...even though there is a possibility I'll see you sooner rather than later that night, as you still love to visit us about 2-3 hours after I lay down...and I want to freeze time. That gummy little smile, how you roar into chuckles when we play rough, your fascination with everything around us as I wear you, that fuzzy head. My heart aches that time cannot just stay still, just for a little while.
But, my heart also bursts with pride and love as your intelligent little being does something most amazing each and every day. You take everything in around you then you use it later. I mean, you looked right at me and mimicked my cough yesterday...hilarious, by the way. The wheels are always turning in your head...you take everything in.
You still love to be swaddled for naps and night.hehehee. I didn't even know they made swaddles this big, they do, they are "transition" swaddles....even though you have no desire to transition.HA! You're a great napper, but like I said, still like to visit us at night...then you kind of just stay there until morning. We do love waking up to you though. You lay there and stare or lightly touch my face, then when my eyes are open, your whole face lights up.
I'm thinking you're going to be your sister's biggest fan. You think she is hilarious, watch everything she does and are constantly trying to grab onto her.
You have been sitting up unassisted for about a little over a month now and look so cute as you sit there and observe the world around you. I can see that you're also starting to contemplate a plan of motion...I think you're going to be a scooter/army crawler like your brother was, but we shall see!
We definitely have another chatterbox on our hands. It's so cute how you babble away and have started to imitate sounds that we are making.
Food has definitely caught your attention. You try to grab everything we have and love most of what you have tried. So, I'm thinking we'll start letting you go to town pretty soon here!

I hope these next 6 months go by a lot slower than the first 6 did.

Happy SIX Months, Joseph!!

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