Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I'm NOT down with the sickness!!!

First, thank you for your awesome responses. It takes not posting for a couple of weeks to realize just how much love y'all give me. Thank you for that.

It's been a rough day. Well, it started last night, when Joseph woke up unusually 2am. Hold on, I have to stop the story. I want to point out that we JUST got a double video monitor yesterday and I have been dying to get a better nights rest because I will not keep waking up, thinking I hear the baby. Ok, I just needed to put that out I am, ready for this amazing, stress-free sleep. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, Joseph needed the boob at a ridiculous hour. But, only to find out he was indeed super congested. Ugh. If you have kids, you know that a congested baby is like the worst feeling evvvvver. Well, it was all downhill after that. His congestion was keeping him awake....and the second I would fall asleep, he would grunt and toss and turn to let me know. He's not much on crying, he prefers the dramatic approach. Long story short, 2am to 7am, WE are tossing and turning. Joseph finally falls into this deep sleep because I have sucked everything out of his nose I could with the amazing Nosefrida (HIGHLY recommend), propped him up on the boppy and provided a warm body allowing for maximum comfort. Annnnnnnd....wait for it....Madeline starts screaming for me. Woah. So, I go in, let her know what's up and it's all good. Not really. She then proceeds to vomit all over our bed, right next to finally sleeping Joseph and myself, who was just moments away from finally closing my exhausted eyes. And, well, it didn't go any smoother from there.

I think I may finally feel a little better, maybe I should knock on wood. I got these amazing natural cough drops tonight and I think that has helped a lot. [[totally set myself up there and ended up having 5 minute coughing attack instead....never fails]] I don't know why in the heck I don't feel better.....

Yeah, so, my day was hell. I will say, we do have some very pleasant sick children. Madeline laid on the couch and ate pedialyte ice pops  and Joseph smiled ear to ear, even though he couldn't breathe through his little nose. They were little angels for being two sick bugs. Our house wouldn't be complete without a sick man/boy and boy/man....yep, Anthony and Josh are down too. Yeesh.

I'm NOT down with the sickness!!! I just want EVERYONE to feel better NOW!
Eating Pastina.

Eating her Pedialyte ice pop.

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