Wednesday, August 24, 2011

People are strange

I have to take a break from packing/cleaning/getting ready for vacation. I did a little a few days ago, but now it's crunch time. I have come to the understanding that I will forget something. I'm packing for four, so I usually remember every ones things except my own. I have to put those worries out of my mind right now though, that's why this is a break.

You know what I want to know? Why do people feel the need to back into parking spots in a crowded parking lot?? It's one thing if it were a quick maneuver, but when it is a project and every other car has to stop and wait I get quite irritated. I really feel as if they think they are the only people in the world and the rest of us have all day to watch them perform this task. It's rude.just stop.
People are strange. And they volunteer a lot of information to someone with a baby. Don't believe me? I'll let you borrow Madeline in a store. Sure people stop to talk to the baby and ask how old she is. I get that. But, I'm talking beyond what you would talk to a stranger about.
Just a few examples...
I had a lady tell me today that she wishes her son would stop running around with floozies and give her a grand baby! Really, lady? Who uses the word floozy anymore?
 A lady in Target told me she wishes she could talk her husband into having another baby. Errrrm, if you have to talk him into it, I don't think it's a very good idea.
A little old lady stopped me in Giant to say that she always wanted to have children, but it never happened and that she prayed every day for god to bring her a child. That brought me down.
I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I am shopping within that SAHM and Elderly time frame. Or maybe I just have that look about me that I will listen.
My husband says it happens to him all the time too....maybe that's why we were attracted to each other. *smile*

Well, I have posted about this before, but now more than ever...I am completely addicted to craigslist. This is probably how hoarders start out....and if you saw our garage, we are already half way there. But, I actually sold the dining room table and chairs on there today! It was so quick and easy. We purchased a larger/more my style set a few days before....on CL and the guy happened to be only a few doors down with a hardly used table and chairs. I have also acquired some new toys for Madeline that she has not even been able to see yet because they are in Mommy's special, magical 10 hour car ride bag! Yep, I was given the advice that never-before-seen toys do magical things during a car ride meltdown. We shall see.

I'm a little nervous about the ride to MB this year, actually. There are a couple factors...our 7 month old being the biggest and then the fact that there is a possible hurricane we could run into along our way. BUT, I shall remain positive with happy, rainbow, glitter thoughts that everything will be just fine.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Moving Day

You know what I really need to know? Who makes these damn sleepers?! I really need to know if anyone at Carter's, Gap, Gerber, anywhere ever tried to put one of these sleepers with the ridiculous amount of snaps on a twisting, rolling, kicking, squirming, crazy, baby girl! Yeah, I'm pretty sure they haven't or they would have improved their design by now. I need to get more of those zip-up ones, but the others are just so cute!
When we get back from vacation, I think I'll make that my new mission....making cute sleepers that are easy to get on this wild child. Yep, I have a new hobby, for those that do not know. Sewing! It's my "me" time at night. I have made quite a few know, to get some projects under my belt, a couple blankets, I'm currently working on a dress, nursing cover and nightgown. My Me-mom taught me the basics when I was younger, so I just kind of used those basics and am working with them. Most of my nights are spent pulling the stitches out of an entire project, but I'll learn...or knowing me, I'll just keep making the same mistakes and it will just take me twice as long to complete anything.
Some completed projects...

More to follow.

Well, it looks like it's moving day next door. I knew they wouldn't be here long. Anyone that rude obviously does not care if they get to know their neighbors because they aren't going to be around for long. But, him?? He was cuckoo for cocoa puffs. See previous post for just a taste of crazy. Since then he has ignored our other neighbor, waving his hands around and pretending to be deaf.cute. AND stuck his tongue out at our other neighbor when he was leaving for work (I think) one night!!...let me repeat that...stuck his tongue out at her!!! WHO DOES THAT??? He had never said two words to her before this incident. So, like I said.....
I for one am glad they he will be gone. She has never said much to me, but I'm pretty sure that is because she has to be just as nutty to have married someone like that.

Monday, August 15, 2011



As a child, it is fun to spit watermelon seeds. As an adult, it is an inconvenience. I tried out a new produce place and their sweet baby melons were marked seedless, then I cut into it and it is filled with seeds. Not a big deal, but I was just disappointed...then I remembered when I was a kid that used to be my favorite part about eating watermelon.
So, it's detox for the hubs and myself for the next 2 weeks. Fruits, veggies and a few grains here and there. No meat. I need to be fit and fly, rockin my bikini with confidence on vacation! I wouldn't go that far, but I will feel better if I'm at least trying.heh. I will still stick to my moto...if you don't like it, don't look! That's the least of my worries though. I'm starting to get super nervous about the 8 hour car ride to get to Myrtle Beach. That's a lot for a baby. But, we have decided to leave around 2am, so a bulk of it will be when she is sleeping....hopefully. I'm sure she will not stay asleep or get the sound sleep she is used to in her crib, but we are going to hope for the best.

Ma-ma-ma is being shouted aloud today! I'm not one of those naive Moms that thinks she knows what she is referring to at 6 months old, so I know it is only a sound that she has mastered. But, there is still something gratifying about hearing it. She has many sounds like da-da, ba-ba, ga-ga, even blah-blah, but today she mastered ma-ma and woke up saying it. *smile* I was just telling my husband this morning, as we were watching the monitor, I love when she wakes up, looking around, talking, waiting for us to come in. She is such a happy little person and develops new "tricks" every day. There is this sneeze type thing she has been cracking the entire family up with for about a week. I'll have to upload the video later. I love all of the new exciting things that come along with growing, but I just want to hit the rewind button! I want to go back to January 27th and experience this all over again....I just have to assure myself we will. *wink* It truly is the most amazing thing, to watch a baby grow into their personality and boy, does she have one!

I'll leave you with this picture that makes me laugh...

I find the fact that they are making the same exact face, well, hilarious.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Anxiously awaiting

((((I had to delete and repost this because I accidently put it on Josh's facebook. Ooops. This has happened on more than one occasion and so none of his friends are able to click it, even after I have deleted the post, I have to delete the whole entry then resubmit it. Yeesh))))

Hello. My name is Christina and I am a 2nd hand addict.
It's true and I'm not afraid to admit it....even at a wedding reception when someone asks where my dress is from, I have no problem saying a 2nd hand shop. I love sharing a story about a good find because well, it's like a hobby and sometimes involves crazy escapades. The funniest thing about it? I can search every store possible for a certain outfit I am looking for with no luck, then I walk into a thrift shop and find exactly what I want. Platos Closet is my favorite..they carefully inspect their clothes, making sure it is name brand, in style and barely worn, but MAN, do I feel old in there! It's all those Abercrombie and Fitch teenies searching for their size 0's. But, you know what?? That makes it all the easier for me to find my big ol' size 9 (sometimes 7 if the badonkadonk allows).hehe.
It's not even about saving's the thrill of a good hunting, you just have to snatch it up before someone else. Especially Craigslist, where items are gone seconds after they are listed. Oh, do I love the Craiglist. I check it for baby items several times a day. On Saturday, I scored an awesome jumper for $10. Wow. What a deal.

We have an exersaucer and johnny jumper, but she truly loves these jumpers more....there are activities surrouding her like the exersaucer with the movement freedom of the doorway of both worlds.

Yesterday, a video baby monitor from Ebay [this is my least favorite 2nd hand option, but I still use it sometimes]. My voice monitor was fine for a while, but now that she's super mobile I get super paranoid. She has always fell asleep by herself, but now it has become a wrestling matching with her lovey bear before dosing off. I sit and listen to the monitor wondering what position she fell asleep in. Some would say, just open the door and check! Well, let me tell you this...a marching band could go through her room and she would stay asleep...but let her hear that door open and it's go time! Her eyes pop open, she pushes her whole upper body up and a HUGE smile comes over her face, it's hilarious. But, I also worry during the night as I hear her rustling around. So, I am now anxiously awaiting my video monitor. Woot!

We had family over on Saturday and went to the pool for a little while. That was a lot of fun! I haven't had pool races in a couple years!...or maybe just one because I was pregnant last year. Madeline loved it too. She loves being surrounded by people.

Sunday, we went to Picture People for Madeline's 6 Month pictures. WOW. They turned out absolutely beautiful! They had us hook, line and sinker....meaning the entire Membership plan, cd, 10x13's, the works. CHA-CHING! They have a great strategy though, they put your pictures up on a big screen television....AND tell you to say NO to the ones you don't like! We were sucked in by the cuteness and could not say no to any of them, so the cd was a must. They really do look amazing and I am so glad we went there!..and got the membership.hehe.

Poor baby girl

Today, we had Madeline's 6 Month appointment. What a big girl! She was 16 lbs and 26 inches. Double her birth weight! Amazing. This puts her in the 40th percentile for weight and 48th for height.

She showed herself, as usual. I think she tries to impress Dr. D. Flashing her smile, talking and showing him how she can sit up.
The shots, oh the shots. Horrible. Her sweet, happy mood was killed. She cried. Real tears. And she had this look on her face like she had been betrayed and her feelings were hurt by the nurse that was talking and laughing with her 2 minutes before. The whole way home, I kept looking at her in the mirror and she had this perplexed look on her face, like what just happened? Poor baby girl.
She was her happy self again as soon as we got home and she had dinner. Meal time/baby food making will become more interesting soon now that we were told we to start to add meat. I may wait on that though, considering we started solids a month or so after it was recommended. So, I think we will stick to the fruits and veggies for at least the next month, then introduce meats. We'll see.
Here she was before her eventful visit with Dr. D....

We call this bouncing on command.haha.