Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Dude's final year of preschool

Joseph, our middle little, "the dude", begins his second and final year of preschool this week. The innocence of singing nursery songs, finger painting, playing with toys, making Jesus crafts, and only being away from Mommy for  hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Those stereotypes that you hear about middle children? He makes sure to bring truth to each one. He's the kid that's running down the street naked, dangerously climbing to the top of the pantry, always grabbing our attention in the most outrageous way. He's also the most loving, cuddly, little sweetheart....always ready to snuggle up as close as he can get to you. His best friend is Madeline...he would go to the ends of the earth just to make her smile. His imagination is amazing, and he can make me laugh until I cry. A wonderful friend to all of our neighborhood buddies and such a sweet pet owner, as he adores to love on animals.
I cannot wait to see what this new year of preschool brings....