Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

In case you have noticed, my posts have been more like picture pages lately instead of bloggy stuff. You know why?  Lately I have been doing so many things that my thoughts don't even want to come out. That's right, they are hiding....from the chaos around me, hiding from my 12 year old son who feels like summer vacation should be fully embracing him and he doesn't have to lift a finger around the house, from a weekly commitment I made, hiding from me stretching myself too thin, then I just end up amusing people with pictures. Yeah, that's what it is.
I know many people that blog and do this Wordless Wednesday, well let me tell you something, dammit, my Wednesday was far from wordless. I wonder what a damn Wordless Wednesday would be like. I know, it's just a term where you post a photo and no words about it, but it just got me thinking, I guess.

Let me tell you about MY Wednesday. It started off at 6:30am. Why so early? My husband likes to give our little beauty a kiss before he leaves. It must be a loud kiss because I hear it on the monitor, then it wakes her up within 10 minutes and I hear her making tiny grunting sounds. But, you know what? It's not that "the alarm is going off and I need to be on my way to the office" sound, no, it is the most adorable little grunt and I just can't wait to burst in with my silly "HULLO?!" voice. I love that. She hears the door creaking open and looks up at it, then hears my "hullo" and face plants into the mattress with joy. That has to be one of the top 10 Mommy moments.HANDS DOWN.
Anyway, back to my point, I also had to get my 12 year old up at 8am,[JOY.not.] so he could come with me to the hair salon and keep an eye on Madeline. So, who has/had a 12 year old? Raise your hand. Anyone? [And Please tell me it's not just mine..PLEASE?]. It's not fun....especially on summer break. Yeah, on summer break, they act like YOU [and summer] owe them something. "What? I have to get up at an ungodly hour like 8am?". THAT right there just sends me through the roof. I REALLY wish I could be one of those understanding Moms......but I can't. GET the heck UP, SON....or it's not going to be pretty.
Yeah, so, got Josh up. Fed Madeline cereal for the first time. She loved it.

Then, it was off to get my hair highlighted. I get there and sit right down [with my stroller next to me], ready for that bleach to be slapped on my head, send Josh for some breakfast to Dunkin.
They were out of the Volume 40 needed for my hair and needed to run to the store. Fine. I sat there and occupied the sweet little babe while Josh got breakfast. Well, I don't know what happened to Josh, maybe he was just happy to get away, but he took forever getting breakfast and by the time he came back I was ready to go under the dryer...and he joined me....

.....while Madeline was sleeping. [He is a cutie though, besides his newly found attitude]
Then I had to take my husbands glasses back because he ruined the coating on them within 2 weeks. I had to give my whole "I used to be an optician" speech and finally they are going to replace them, no charge.
We probably went to 15 stores after that. Madeline sang [which sounds like screaming to people that don't know her] for a majority of the stores....even our "teenage fetish", Platos Closet. I don't care what any one says...I LOVE that shop. Oh yes, I barged right up in there with my stroller like 'get the heck out of my way, teens'.hehe. And I scored an adorable little dress.
I came home and made dinner. Then, provided transportation to Josh's daily practice. Dropped him off. Came home. Spent some husband time, then drank some wine. And here I am.
There's no way I could have made a Wordless Wednesday out of that...and you know what? I LOVE IT!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy 5 Months, Madeline!

Our sweet little FIVE MONTH OLD! 
You have completely stolen our hearts. Another Month goes by and we cannot believe this tiny little girl has us so in awe
It is the start of summer vacation and even Josh sits and watches in amazement as you develop this adorable personality right in front of our eyes.

You are getting so big. You are so attentive and have perfected your hand/eye coordination, so you are grabbing every thing you see!! Hair, necklaces, earrings (look out!), phones, pretty much any thing you can reach.

Rolling is old news. You are now pushing into a crawl with your legs! Hopefully you do not give yourself rug burn. You also love to your exersaucer or while you're being held.

You LOVE to sing!!! To anyone else, you are screaming, but honestly, that's your singing voice. You get this from Daddy.

A social butterfly in the stores, you grab every ones attention...Old ladies love you best, but even grown men have to smirk and say hello. I hope you continue to be this social. [Making the former "social skills" teacher in Mommy very proud].

"Lovey bear" happens to be one of your favorite things because it helps you fall asleep as you rub the silky parts.

To celebrate your 5 months, Mommy made your first real food. Peas.
[Warning: first time eating, pictures may be graphic :P]

And now for the monthly shots.......

Happy 5 Months, Madeline!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Madeline's first Phillies game

Well, as you know by my last post, I am having computer/camera problems. My father-in-law, Pop Tony, was awesome enough to send me some pictures he had taken at the Phillies game on Sunday.
Madeline's first Phillies game was such a good time! I decided to wear her for a majority of the time, instead of bringing the stroller. It worked out perfectly! As far as how when she got hungry went, you don't want to know....let's just say it involved the handicap stall, wads of paper towels, large amounts of hand sanitizer used as disinfectant and the giveaway towel that needs to be washed in scolding hot water. But, Mama made it work!

We even had to get a couple of the FanFotos. ;)

Monday, June 27, 2011

No pictures

UGH! I have a First Phillies game post and a Happy 5 Months, Madeline post all ready to go, but my pictures will not upload to my computer. This has happened with both of my cameras now. What in the heck is wrong?? I have no idea at this point and am going to have to make some phone calls tomorrow. SO sad I cannot share her Phillies game, 5 pictures and first time eating with my family right now. :(

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I have come to realize...

Just a few random thoughts on my mind...

I have come to realize...with Madeline's monthly birthdays, I overlooked the fact that I am actually counting down to my 30th birthday. July 19th will be my half birthday. I do not want to be in my 30's, I'd prefer to stay in my 20's. Is that so much to ask?

I have come to can have all the material things in the world, huge house, new cars, brand name wardrobe, jewelry, never worrying about a spending limit, but it's not what you have that makes you's who you have to share it with. Whether it be every thing you want or just the things you need, a mansion or an apartment, a Lexus or an Oldsmobile, material things don't mean a thing. It's love that makes you happy :)

I have come to really feels great to help people. BUT, you cannot help people that are not open to being helped. It just doesn't work that way.

I have come to realize...some people are just jerks and taking the time to wonder why people are the way they are is just taking away from time that could be spent thinking about some one that is not a jerk. That being said, I will no longer worry about why our neighbor gives me the evil eye every time I see him. [See 3rd Time is a Charm post].

I have come to realize...the worst feeling in the world is when you accidentally hurt your own baby. You go through life protecting them from every thing, then they move their finger when you're clipping their finger nails. Thank god there was no blood or I think I would have to be committed right now. She wailed. My heart broke. Horrible. So, the next time you see my baby and she has long dagger claws it's because I refuse to clip them anymore.
The first and last one made me sad....but mainly the last one.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Two laughing baby videos are better than one

Every time she is silly, the video camera is no where to be found. She woke up feeling extra giggly, I used both of my digital cameras to catch it, so there are two [dark videos because I am facing the light and they don't have the features our video camera does]. But hey, two laughing baby videos are better than one!

Darn, you can't even see the 2nd one :( I'll try to get her with the video camera one day this week.

When a 4 month old does not want to cooperate, she will not cooperate.

First of all....

What up homies?

It's been a few days! I knew it was going to be one of those weeks from the start, but WOAH, WHAT.A.WEEK. I look around at the shambles the house is in and it shows. Yeah, I'll have to take care of that tomorrow.
We helped a friend that is a new Mommy for a couple of days...being new Mommy is tough stuff!
Also, watched Madeline, a one year old and a two year old all at the same that's talent, right? Well, I hope it's more than talent because I'm going to be doing it once a week from now on.
We found out that a dear friend of ours we met through all of our baseball adventures has a malignant brain tumor. It's hard to see such a wonderful family go through such painful news. But, he's a very strong guy, he's going to kick this tumor's ass, we all know it.
Not to mention all of the baseball....even after the rec team and school team ended. I'm glad the school team is done though, his coach was a jerk...seriously, even Anthony said something to him and he always keeps his thoughts to himself when it comes to coaching styles. But, this guy?, horrible....I didn't even thank him when I returned the jersey and that's not me.
I also spent a little bit of time creating Anthony's Father's Day gift this week. I got a frame with 3 openings and took pictures of Madeline holding D-A-D for Anthony to display on his desk. Here they are...

And here is some proof that when a 4 month old does not want to cooperate, she will not cooperate...some of the 95 other photos taken to try and create this Dad frame.....

Josh got him a pair of Phillies shorts.....perhaps that would have been kid. :P
We went to Me-mom and Be-pops on Saturday for a Father's Day cookout. Pop Tony and Mimi came too, that made it even more special.
More photo posting time.....

Happy Father's Day to all of the real men out there. I am so glad my son was able to experience what a REAL Dad is with Anthony...someone who is always there, through good times and bad, every baseball game, milestone and growing pain/problem...he has been amazing. I am blessed that my daughter will be able to experience it from the start. I wish Josh would have had that opportunity too, but you know what he said to me tonight before I went upstairs for bed? Happy Father's Day, Mom. I know you did both roles for a while there and now I see that. Amazing feeling. That is all.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Herr's Zoo Day

Busy, busy bee this week so far...this means the house is in shambles. :P
Yesterday we went to the Herr's factory for their Zoo Day. It was very cute. They had a lot of animals too...a baby kangaroo, fox, monkeys, porcupine (within touching distance for the kids which I thought was odd, hopefully every one was keeping a close eye on their kiddos!), lizards and animals you could touch in little fenced off areas throughout the entire set up. There were games you could play to win chips. [and lots of places to wash your hands before eating those chips ;)] Just an all around adorable event. I love the Herr's factory though, they do so many things there. During the Christmas season they have an entire light display you can ride through. I bet they are a great company to work for.
Madeline was very interested in looking [not touching at all] and Josh wanted to be the photographer.

And now we go to have a baby day with a friend! :)