Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Whooah! I'm half way theerrre!

I think I qualified for sainthood today. Just spent TWO hours helping my older neighbor, with a language barrier, fix his phone.
That's not what I came to write about.

I'm feeling great lately. So great that I'm excited to see my hopefully healed placenta on the 22nd! I've started going back to the gym, on light duty. I've started taking Madeline swimming again...I couldn't for a while there with the, ahem, issues I was having. I'm working on Madeline's party...ARG, matey! I finally got over that hell of a cold I had. I guess I should get back to the household chores too. But, I'm feeling great! I haven't been able to say that for a while.

And for a [rare] Bon Jovi reference...Whooah, I'm half way theerrre! Whooah, I have been livin on a prayer!

That's right! 20 weeks in! It is completely acceptable to take a mirror bump case you are wondering. 

One of Madeline's favorite places to go [between Christmas and her birthday] is to the post office and send mail! She gets such a kick out of it. Then other people mailing letters usually hand them to her, it is quite the field trip!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Big girl

I cannot believe I am planning a 2nd birthday party!! Where did this year go? As I look back at her first year blog, I am in shock at how much she has changed, grown, become a big girl! It makes me sad, but she is also SO much fun now. Like the fact that she shares my love for cooking and is always asking to create her own lunch, like today.....
I just adore this little chef!

I described her in 5 words about a month ago. Social, compassionate, intelligent, entertaining and vivacious. I left out stubborn and independent...those 2 characteristics that often lead to toddler meltdowns. It is so hard to believe how fast they turn into little people instead of babies.

I came across this picture the other night....
From June, when she still used a "Nuk". It made me want to give her the "Nuk" back, as crazy as that sounds, just to make her look like a baby again!! 

I know I have to let her grow, but sometimes it's so hard! I see what happened with Joshua. One day, he's an adorable 5 yr old, the next he's a [I'm too cool for everything] teenager! It just seems unfair how fast it happens and I know how fast it does because I have already experienced it.

I normally do not make a New Year's resolution, but this year I did, a private one. I will say that yesterday, I untangled the necklaces in my jewelry box, started organizing our room and did a few more miscellaneous clean outs. So, that will give you a hint.
Here's hoping that 2013 will bring more organization into my life.

I've come to realize that if I could write my daily thoughts down, I would have a novel at the end of each day. But then I would be giving away all of my secrets.

Look at this little 1st birthday girl! ahh!