Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Joseph takes on Preschool

I'm just going to start off by saying I will never forget the look on Joseph's face as he lined up to head into his preschool class this morning. The look on his face said it all. "I've been waiting 2 long years to walk down this hallway". It's true. We had many hard mornings when he couldn't line up and go to preschool with Madeline. So, I wasn't sad this morning. I didn't sob. I'm happy and excited for our little dude. He gets to spend every Tuesday and Thursday from 9-11:30 being a "big kid" by himself, making his own friends instead of being the little brother, being silly, learning to follow school rules, singing songs and creating artwork, discovering what it's like to be his own leader, having his own thing.

Joseph is such a fun little boy that loves the outdoors, being barefoot, running and chasing, playing with friends in our neighborhood, and loves his role as the goofy little brother. He loves trucks, especially fire and trash trucks, and wants to be a fireman when he grows up. He's caring and sweet, has this little voice that melts our hearts, and definitely keeps us on our toes. Our little guy is quick to ask us to lay with him and cuddle. As much as he loves to be active, he also appreciates down time with a movie or his favorite show, Beat Bugs. His favorite accessory is his cowboy boots, which he definitely wore today. He requested "pikey" hair and wanted to pick out his own clothes. The excitement on his face was priceless as he got to hold the chalkboard and have his very first day of school picture taken. And before this whole adventure, our little sweetheart made sure to plant a big kiss on me.

 That face. My heart.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Joshua takes on Senior year

Today, Joshua started his first day to his senior year of high school. What a surreal feeling. His 13th year of school will be complete after this year.
I have a terrible memory, but I can remember pulling up to St. Rose of Lima for Joshua's first day of Kindergarten like it was yesterday. Not only was I nervous for him, but for myself also. We had been through some tough times before that, but always together. Enrolling your 5 year old into a Catholic school when you are a 22 year old single mother is not for the faint of heart. You have a lot to prove and those are big shoes to fill.  But, I was very grateful to my Uncle Henry, his godfather, that he gave us that opportunity.
Joshua was such a fun, goofy, active little boy, so I knew he would make friends quickly. Those traits didn't always fair too well when it came to academics in his later years. But, I loved those things about him. I am very proud how he has handled several moves with school changes and even though he struggled a bit, he seems to have come out on top. School has definitely been a long journey for us. To be honest, you may say I'm almost relieved! haha! Then those heart strings pull and I can't help but be emotional that he will be graduating. Emotional, but more proud than anyone will ever know.

Dear Joshua,
As you end your high school journey this year, take special care that you enjoy every minute. We don't always see eye to eye, and you like to let schoolwork slide way more than I'd like to see. But, your determination and perseverance have me very confident that you will succeed tremendously during your senior year, as years before.
I hope that you can see this sense of pride that is radiating off of me as we come to the end of this journey. Not just for your effort towards academics, but your commitment to baseball. When I see you in your high school uniform, memories flood in of all the previous uniforms you have worn. From tee ball and rec leagues in Md, travel leagues and PJPII in Caln, Oxford high school, and now Dover high school, you have contributed to many teams.
I am filled with excitement over what this year will bring for you. Senior pictures, Senior Prom, Senior Week, graduation, I can't wait to watch you experience these things.
This is not the end....it is only the beginning, as you venture out and find yourself. Do what you love. Do what makes you happy. Never settle and always reach for the stars.

Now. Pictures!!
& can we just talk about how cute his girlfriend, Amanda, is??

Madeline picked a flower for Josh to give to Amanda....
 They're off.....

And for fun.....

Monday, August 22, 2016

Madeline takes on Kindergarten

The time has come. The time I have been dreading since preschool graduation in May. The day that Madeline takes on Kindergarten.... How can this be?? She's so small and only 5, it doesn't seem right that we throw these babies into the world like this! I can't let her go...she still takes a nap some days!! What if she loses her way while walking into school? What if someone makes her sad? What if she misses us? We do so many educational things each day... Maybe I should homeschool? I think that's what she needs. I would be great at homeschooling. I can't do fun things with the boys while she sits in school all day long...I just can't. My heart is hurting.
These were all thoughts racing through my head. Selfish thoughts. It is definitely all me.
Today, we went to Madeline's school for 2 hours. When we walked in, the parents and children were immediately separated...the children went with staff, such as the principal, nurse, and the dean of students, and we went with her new teacher. After meeting with the teacher, we switched over to meet with staff while the children met their new teacher.
As much as my heart aches, I saw just how ready our little girl is to take on the world of Kindergarten. She went right with her neighborhood friends down a hallway, without looking back. When we walked back into the classroom, she didn't even jump up and run to us after 2 hours alone in her new school. Instead of worrying about where we were, she was smiling ear to ear and filled with excitement over what this new school year would bring. Well, she was also excited about the little bag of starburst the teacher gave out that read, "I'm BURSTING with happiness that you're in my class this year!" Adorable.

Dear Madeline,
I have held onto these years before school so tight, holding onto every minute of you being our baby girl. We have been so blessed to have these years at home together, even though we were hardly ever home. We've had so many experiences, so many laughs and smiles, incredible amounts of fun filled days, adventures I hope you remember because I hold them so close to my heart.
Now you have become a little girl and you are so ready to soar into your education, be with your friends, meet new friends, and have all new experiences I may not be there for, but I'll be waiting eagerly to hear about every day.
You are going to take on this world with incredible strength and courage. We are so very proud of what an amazing little girl you are, as you leave an imprint on everyone you meet. Your kindness, wittiness, love of friendship, spunk, silliness, sass, and intelligence are just a few things that make you so unique and amazing.
Have the most memorable year in Kindergarten, our sweet little bug.

And, here she is!

Our Class of 2029 shirt.......

She chose a mermaid book bag and lunch bag. Wanted to wear her hair in a bow bun. Wants to be a teacher when she grows up.

And she was pretty comfortable at school....

Friday, June 17, 2016

Joseph's Batman/Super Hero party

Joseph definitely had a blast at his 3rd birthday!! When asked what his favorite part was he answered, "Me cake you made, Mommy". He was amazed by everything I did...right down to the bat brownies. THAT is what makes a big party worth it. The complete joy on your child's face at all the work you have done to make their day special.
I'm terrible at remembering to take pictures of the food and décor and stuff....I'm always more worried about the FUN! But, I remembered to take a few this time. Mainly just the appetizers since they are out before everyone gets there. How do these people on Pinterest photograph their food?? Maybe their guests don't come as hungry as ours. HAHA.
We had some thunderstorms that day, so I had to set up the activities, like silly string, inside.