Tuesday, July 8, 2014

THAT mom

As I sit here and reflect on my day, with a homemade mask in my hair.... That sounded nice, didn't it? Ah yes, coconut oil, avocado, and egg. I should take a picture, it looks like I smeared throw-up in my hair..or snot..I shit you not, it's pretty gross. But, maybe it will make my hair beautiful! haha.

Yeah, so I was sitting here reflecting on our pool day. Like, how my children want to eat the second we get there. I'm not talking a snack, they want sandwiches and cheese, fruits and vegetables, hard boiled eggs...you would think they only get fed at the pool. I decided to photo document it today, I'm not exaggerating.

 Even my lunch was not safe....

Oh, and I had a revelation while trying to keep an eye on Madeline and wrestling Joseph to the ground to put his swim diaper...I'm glad I was never THAT mom. If you have more than one child, you know who I'm talking about. Madeline found a "friend" that she started playing with as soon as she finished her smorgasbord. It was no big deal for her to go play because she only goes in up to her ankles unless I coax her in further. The "friend" had a mother with her, a mother of one....hovering to make sure she was ok, cheering her on as she splashed, praising Madeline for sharing her tiny Elsa she had brought along. All wonderful things...I do these things too, when I'm not tending to the wild man. So, I'm still wrestling and watching...one eye on Madeline, the other trying to figure out how to squeeze these damn swim trunks on. Madeline sits down and starts examining her foot, so I really start rushing. Then, there she is, THAT mom...leaning down, making sure Madeline is ok...all fine and good until she starts looking around as if she is there by herself and she does it, she shakes her head! Like I had left and maybe decided to take a leisurely dip in the big pool. Woman, you saw us walk in, we made eye contact, but if it makes you feel better to make me feel like a shitty mom, then ehhhhh, OK. I'm not saying all single child mothers are THAT mom, but you know what I mean...I'm doing my best, lady! My kid shared without me being there to prompt, so I'm obviously doing SOMETHING right. I didn't say anything, I walked over, checked her foot and she was just fine....then I may have silently wished THAT mom would have to share her time one day.haha.

This weekend we went blueberry picking at the cutest little farm, so I'll throw some pics in of that too....

My hair is starting to smell, perhaps I should tend to that....