Monday, June 5, 2017

Goodbye, high school!

So, it's been an entire school year since I've blogged. It's been a busy year, an emotional one, it's had ups, downs, and everything in between.
It's the end of a very long chapter, yet also just the beginning for Joshua, as he completed 13 years of school. A very proud, yet emotional time in our lives, as we watch him piece together the path he will follow.
These years are the hardest. It's hard to let go and embrace that this is their choice.
When you look at your 18 year old, you do not see an see your baby. So, when you look at these pictures, you may see a bearded man. I, however, see my goofy grinning, wrestling, spider-man undies wearing, silly little sweetheart of a boy.

Graduation pictures:::::

And THIS is the real us. HAHA!!!!