Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It’s ok to have a chocolate cupcake for breakfast

It’s ok to have a chocolate cupcake for breakfast when the main ingredient is pumpkin, right? Well, if it was ok, I guess I would have openly devoured it in front of the kids instead of pretending to take a long time getting their milk out of the kitchen. My sister in law told me of this awesome “healthy” cake hack years ago, just cake mix and pure pumpkin. I just never craved sweets enough to make it….until now. I don’t think I’ve ever craved sweets this much in my life. Not good, not good at all. Why can’t I crave salads and raw veggies and all things healthy? GAH!
I think it's stress too. There is so much going on right now that it's hard to even comprehend. I wish these long deep breaths I find myself taking would turn the chaos into the organized plan that is in my head. One thing at a time. Some days are full of progress, others put us right back to where we were. I use the word relocation when I refer to what is going on because it sounds so much easier than moving. It doesn't make the actual process any easier though.haha.
I've been making sure to have very regular outings to get away from the craziness. Yesterday was a MUCH needed park day...just to run around and be crazy. Madeline makes friends the second she gets there and Joseph thinks he is just as big, tagging along and even going down the slide by himself!

I think we may need this again today. Come on out, sun!!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

That pretty much sums up our new family adventure

It's been a while. The last time I posted, I was feeling horrible with all day pregnancy sickness. Well, I'm feeling much better now....tell that to the broken blood vessel in my eye ball from vomiting the other day.haha...but, really, MUCH better than before. Just don't let me go too long for food, or take me on a windy road in the car, or get me near anything that has a strong odor, or well, you get the point. At least it's more predictable now. I can't believe how fast a belly grows the 4th time around, 16 weeks now and I don't even want to compare pictures from our previous babies. Well, the baby is moving like crazy now!!!!...and so are we.

A lot has been going on lately. Vacations, school, baseball, Anthony being relocated, our house being put on the market in 2's enough to throw a pregnant, hormonal woman into a whirlwind of crazy emotions. So, yeah, we're moving. Closer to some, much further away from others. Joshua is a little upset and keeps making little digs about us uprooting his life again. He is a very resilient kid though, so I know he will thrive anywhere. Madeline is not sure how she feels, of course. One minute she is happy and the next she is sobbing after opening a drawer that has been packed up.
But, above all, this is a blessing for our one income family. My husband does everything he can to always put us in the best position possible and, after much discussion between us, that is what concluded our decision. Yes, we have a family and it is very stressful to uproot everything, but we also need to make sure we are not stunting the growth of his career with our limited ability to relocate.
Well, that pretty much sums up our new family adventure. And I'm confident it will be a great one.

Now for some vacation pictures that I never got a chance to upload...just a tad bit busy over here.ha.