Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Happy TWO Months, Christopher!

I know I've only wrote 3 times since he was born and all 3 times I have said what an unexpected blessing he has been. I'll be honest, I'll probably say it every single time I talk about him because at least twice every day I find myself staring at him in amazement...just absolutely amazed that God surprised us with this perfect angel.

Happy TWO Months, Christopher! What an absolutely amazing little person you are!! You have become SO smiley and social...trying so hard to make little noises come from your mouth. We adore that little smile of yours and the sounds make us melt. I could get lost in your eyes, they are the most perfect shade of blue. You have this amazing hair that always looks like it's in place....very different from your sibs. The baby rolls you have going on are enough to make us want to eat you up.

Madeline is still completely and totally obsessed with you, in case you're wondering. She will not leave you alone for a second. Joseph has started imitating her and also gets this high pitched, squeaky voice when he's ((IN YOUR FACE)) talking to you. You are so loved.

Sleep. WOW, you sure do love your sleep. As a matter of fact, you have been giving us a solid 7-8ish hours at night. What an amazing little guy you are!!! You love the car because, well, you can sleep. You love to be worn...perfect sleeping spot. This must be why you're growing so much!

You like to hang out in your bouncer for a few minutes at a time...as long as it's vibrating. The swing is a nice spot for a few...only if you can see your elephant. And if you get fussy at night, Daddy lays you on the floor and you're content.

Cannot wait to see what this next month will bring, sweet Christopher Henry.