Tuesday, July 30, 2013

True story

Do you ever have a day where you feel like things are running way too smooth? That has been our experience at the pool the last couple days here. I'm not sure why I was ever so scared to go alone. Maybe I shouldn't speak so soon...we could have a complete falling out next time. But, this week, the kids have been perfect. I was so worried about Madeline seeing that I may be preoccupied with Joseph and try to get away with things or not listen...but she has been the complete opposite. As much as she loves her brother, I should have known she would be right there with me trying to help instead of making it harder. That or she just thinks I'll go off the deep end and never leave the house again.haha.
I would like to say that I also have days where I'm so engrossed in what is going on with the kids that I have this thought like I have forgotten something. My initial response to that thought is to look down and make sure I have pants on. True story. I can see it happening one day.

Nap time for the kids. Weed whacking time for me.

Cute pictures first:

Loving the wrap.

Worn out.

Stop. Raisin time.
Talking to his toys

Monday, July 29, 2013

Baby watching

What an awesome long weekend with my family. We started out on Thursday night...on our way to Cape May. I was kinda leery of our 3 hour drive with an infant, but it worked out just fine. And it was a good practice run for our upcoming super long vacation ride in a few weeks.
We arrived in the beautiful Cape May, threw on some sweatshirts, broke out the double stroller and headed for a wonderful walk with Mom-mom Cece and Aunt Jo...who had such a fun time pushing the stroller, watching Madeline on rides, loving on Joseph, seeing Madeline's reaction to the beach, playing in the water fountain and enjoying our company.

Then, we woke up, Madeline discovered the Mom-Mom Cece had some really incredible "jewels" (rosary beads and medals) and seashells for her to play with, had a fun morning and went out for breakfast at a nice, not crowded spot they knew about.
Off to the boardwalk for rides after that! Joseph was loving his ride in the stroller and Madeline was obsessed with riding this train. She also tried the motorcycles and changed her mind mid-way.  We then went on this entirely too fast swing ride that she wanted to end immediately, but the operator wasn't as accommodating as the motorcycle one, so she had to just hang in there.haha. Every ride we put her on, she would just ask for the train again. She also played some games with Daddy. We had fun!

It was off to Md on Saturday. My grandparents really are amazing...not for putting up with my husband and his crazy sense of humor..but they offered us a long overdue date night while they kept Joseph and Madeline. We took Joshua along to help with any issues that may occur, but all was well...I know, I called quite a few times. It was nice to get out with my husband alone, but pretty much the only difference? It was a lot faster getting out of the car and through the mall, we didn't have to rush through our meal thinking someone was going to flip their shit before we finished, I was able to enjoy a margarita and we caught a movie. So, I guess they are pretty big differences. But, the truth is, I really don't mind all of those things. I love our family time. Even if it means bringing a thousand things with us, taking forever to get out of the car and where we want to be, rushing through a dinner at a family friendly restaurant because Madeline may get tired of sitting and refraining from an alcoholic drink so I can nurse Joseph, and a movie? Forget it. HAHA! I don't mind all of those things, it's all part of being good parents. We did completely enjoy our time together and couldn't appreciate it more that our over 80 year old grandparents offered us the chance. They are awesome.

After that, it was our normal family time. Be-pop made breakfast, Anthony and UH went shopping, everyone had a snowball, the whole family helped me cut fabric for a knock-off Beachfront water wrap, and, of course, there was PLENTY of baby/toddler watching going on.
I think "baby watching" was made famous by my grandparents. Baby watching is when Me-mom and Be-pop grab a quilt/blanket throw it on the table, plop the baby on it and just sit and WATCH. That's right. They want to see every single thing that baby is going to do. They have been doing it since I can remember...starting with my brother, then my children, Joshua, Madeline and now Joseph. Baby watching then turns into toddler watching...where they sit and watch every single move Madeline will make and hang on to every single word she will say. You never knew there were anyone in this world that could love your babies as much as you do...until you see the way grandparents look at them...THAT is an indescribable (get away with murder) love right there.
Oh, back to our weekend. Here we are, back home, back to reality, ready to clean, eat healthy, pack for vacation, unspoil the kids, plan a baptism, get ready for Joshua to be a highschooler.....OH MY, let me stop and just keep enjoying this summer....

Today was a pool day and I tried out my new obsession...the knock-off Beachfront water wrap. It was a hit!! I am lucky to have an awesome baby wearing friend that made a youtube video for me so I could learn the wrapping technique. I think I did pretty well. Even covering his legs so the sun wouldn't be on them. And now I'm hooked.
I met a young grandma, super hip, a few days ago at the pool and even though she had her THREE granddaughters (6 mo., 2 & 4!! gah! I nicknamed her superwoman!) with her, she kept helping me. SO impressive. Anyway, today, I was able to help her since I had both of my hands free and no car seat to lug next to me! Yeah, I become obsessed with things and cannot stop talking about them. Just ask my husband...now he will have to hear about babywearing over and over again,haha.

Playing with friends


I think he likes it.

I know I do!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Seven years ago

Seven years ago, I went on my last first date. Seven years ago, I waited nervously pacing in my kitchen to be picked up. Seven years ago, a man pulled up on a very hot July day with the top down in a mustang and TLC in the cd player...that part always makes me chuckle. Seven years ago, the first place we stopped at on our way into Baltimore was at my grandparents house...they knew how much I liked him, making them the most skeptical of a person I have ever seen them be. Seven years ago, I introduced my son to a man I never knew he would call Dad...that part made me cry. Seven years ago, the plan of visiting the aquarium was squashed as it was sold out. Seven years ago, I did something I'd never do and we took a tour of the USS Torsk...hey, it was right outside the aquarium and I had brought a man from Philly to have a fun day in Baltimore...not really defending myself there, huh? It was the first thing we saw. Seven years ago, after walking around the Inner Harbor, I suggested to eat at ESPN zone because I knew he loved sports...the more I think about it, the more I'm going to be ripped for my poor Baltimore tourism skills.haha. Seven years ago, I forgot what parking garage we used and then it down poured as we were walking and looking for it. Now that I look back, I was probably the worst first dater ever.haha. Seven years ago, I have never wanted a drive back home to take so long...just so I could spend a few more minutes with this fun, silly, serenading sweetheart I knew I loved already. Seven years ago, I had my last first kiss and I couldn't imagine it any other way. Seven years ago, our lives changed forever.
It is amazing to think back to those first moments together...and what it has lead to. Could we have ever imagined it would lead to this?...two people so in love and a beautiful family...probably not. But, I am grateful everyday that it did. It is amazing to have an instant connection with someone and know you love them during your first date. After my husband texted me Happy 7 year anniversary of our first date this morning, I have reflected on it most of the day, in awe that seven years have gone by this fast and produced a happy marriage, a name change and two new additions to our family.

TMI Facebook post

Well, I did it, you guys. I took the little ones to the pool solo. Joshua was quite happy that I didn't need him to accompany me today. But, I figured since it was so cloudy that I could keep Joseph in his car seat right next to me and it actually wasn't scary like I thought it would be. I don't know what I thought was going to happen...I guess it was just the initial shock of having a toddler and infant in an open area that made me nervous.
Anyway, on to bigger and better news. My cousin and his lovely lady had their baby boy today. I am so happy for them and cannot wait to meet this little guy. I have been MAKING myself NOT pack up the kiddos, jump in the car and head to see them right now because I really, really want to. But, I will wait until Wednesday. You better believe I will MAKE myself get out of here earlier than what I normally do on my Wednesday Md trips.
I was very close to my cousin growing up...I still feel close, even though we don't see each other as often as I would like. We were born 4 days apart and our mothers were always with each other and if they weren't then we were being babysat together, that he was like having a twin brother. I have so many memories of our times together....[[some more embarrassing than others]]...he taught me about wrestlers like Hulk Hogan and how to play wrestlemania, Thundercats, Transformers, G.I. Joes and Micro Machines. He used to drink the milk after I'd eat the cereal...which still grosses me out when my son and husband do it.bleh. We had so many adventures and when I learned that "borrowing" lite brite pegs from the neighbor because I thought they were pretty was, in fact, stealing, Bobby held my hand when I had to return them, as I cried, and apologized.haha. He was also a little bit of a chooch sometimes, so I comforted him too. (Sorry, Bob) Hell, we even took baths together...in our underwear. And we still joke about our little truth or dare games we would play as we got older..daring each other to eat a twig or lick a puddle.
So, bottom line, I'm so happy for them and that they were blessed with this beautiful baby boy.
Family is so important...I know a lot of my posts include that, but it is. 

Sometimes I make a TMI Facebook post then I delete it. I start speaking my mind, hit post and then think, 'Oh, I'm acting like one of those people', then I hurry and delete. But, this isn't Facebook, now is it?
So, I may have posted about our baseball playoff season ending prematurely because of poor coaching then deleted it before anyone probably had a chance to see.
I also just got rid of my entire rant on WHY the coaching is so poor. No need to rehash, right? Just move on. I will say, Joshua has never had such a lack of confidence on any other team during his 10 years of playing ball...I'm even going to throw in the time he was the only goofy white kid on a basketball team, not even then. My husband even texted me last night, as I was giving game updates, that we have to move before next Spring.haha. That's bad.
So yeah, the team had to forfeit the game they won last night because the coach didn't follow the pitching rules. What's done is done. Moving on....
Cute picture time.

Just nursing at the pool...no big deal.

Morning kisses for the little guy.

Madeline is ready to roll!

Friday, July 19, 2013


It's time. I need to get my body back. I had my 6 week postpartum appointment the other day and I did what I never, ever do....I looked at the scale. Now I know why I never do that. The number is permanently etched in my head, making me feel, well, UNHEALTHY. I was actually feeling ok about myself since I'm fitting into some pre-pregnancy clothes, but now, BLAH.
I eat salad everyday....along with absolutely everything in my path. Nursing has made me SO hungry this time around and a salad does nothing for my insane appetite.
A few more weeks and I will be able to take Joseph to the gym care. Like I have said before, that gives me anxiety...thinking about getting two kids and myself together in time for a class. Plus, leaving him with someone I do not know for an hour. I will be right upstairs, so I guess it's not really that big of a deal, but it feels like it. I'm sure it will only feel that way for the first couple times then it will become routine.
Speaking of babysitting, I think I'm also going to have to plan a date night with my husband soon. It has been way too long since we did something alone. Not really that we care because, obviously, our children are our life. But, I'm guessing that a healthy relationship includes dates alone every now and then. Right? We would be able to have Joshua watch Madeline, easily, but it's the whole infant care that could be a challenge.
Apparently it's one of those rambling random thoughts posts.
Back to my unhealthy feelings, I'm seriously going to come up with a plan because that number on the scale was NOT me. I never let a number define me, not even during pregnancy did I look at the scale, but this number was depressing. So, now that I did see it, I know I need to work on some things....and NEVER look again!

Here's our little performer....
High heels

Eating corn
I just love this. Couldn't stop laughing when my brother sat next to me with his boppy.

Me-mom giving some Joseph love!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What a joke.

We spent a few hours at the pool today and that took a lot out of all of us. Madeline and Joseph both went down for an immediate nap and I wanted to...but it seems as much as I would love to nap, I can never bring myself to do it. It just doesn't feel right. Plus, there's always something to do.

Our Ripken tournament was not what we thought it would be. I thought they were actually going to get to play on the main field.hahaha. Nope, there's a whole complex of regular fields with fancy major league names. That's where we played. And stunk.completely. This was just a thrown together sandlot team facing teams that had won district titles in Florida...it was almost like watching an entire blooper video. Oh well. We came, we saw, they played some ball.  There should be pictures up on the website soon, which I'm excited to see.
This weekend was actually one big baseball letdown. After getting our asses behinds handed to us in that tournament, we had the Legion AllStar game to attend last night at 7...which Joshua was super excited about. Well, our coach never submitted the required information and our boys were never put on the roster...meaning they didn't get their AllStar jersey. I felt horrible for them, being the only ones playing in their regular uniforms. But, that right there was a reflection on the coach, in front of every other coach in the county. We have had so many problems this year...but this isn't the time or the place for all of that. Let's just say we are anything but impressed with our Legion experience.What a joke.

I'm becoming a bit overwhelmed with the things I cannot seem to get to lately. You may be asking what in the hell I'm doing on here then. A girl needs a little break every now and then. But I guess I should be doing something more productive.
The outside of our house looks like a jungle. Anthony has always been the grass cutter and I am the weeder, whacker, gardener. It's not happening this year. He actually tried to use the weed whacker tonight and it is broke.UGH. I'm sure our neighbors are thrilled with our lack of landscaping.
The toys are always scattered. This is Josh's job. He is not very good at it.
Our rooms are a mess. Mainly because I try to bring things upstairs to straighten downstairs.
Ummm....don't get me started on the unorganized kitchen...it makes my nerves bad to think about it.
The garage is cluttered.
I'm going to stop. This post is stressing me out.
On a positive note, I have almost finished my millions of Thank You cards. I'm just waiting on a few to come in the mail so I can send them out. I wanted to have the birth announcements ordered Monday, but I left my laptop at Memom and Bepops where the pictures are. [[I'll also post baseball pictures when I get it back, this old laptop cannot handle anymore pictures]] Yeah, our baby will be 2 months old when I finally get them out. I guess that positive note when downhill fast. Ha! I have no time. My carpal tunnel also JUST went completely away. It was slowly getting better, now I'm 100% again. Yeah, such a slacker.
It's not only because of our new addition, but it is also all of this baseball. Eh, but mainly it's the new addition. I feel like if I have a few minutes where Madeline is occupied, I need to spend it with Joseph so he has that chance for one on one time. And it is SO worth it. This boy has the most amazing smile. He's such happy baby.

Even when he's nursing, Madeline is not far behind....