Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happy ONE Month, Joseph!!

How does a month go by so fast? It feels like I just blinked and you went from being handed to me at the hospital to being an entire month old, Joseph.
In this short month, you have completely stolen our hearts in a way I didn't think was possible again. But, here I am, for the third time, completely infatuated with this little eating, sleeping, pooping machine that you are. The first couple weeks are always a blur, where we are just trying to figure each other out. We have definitely clicked now, knowing what the other is expecting and it has been smooth sailing from there.

Although you are my serious guy, you have started to attempt a smile...it is the cutest little thing ever, the way the corner of your mouth curls up. You have also started to "talk"...it takes so much effort for one little noise to come out, but don't worry, I listen like it is the most important thing I have ever heard. Before I know it you will be talking non-stop like your sister.

Madeline adores you in a way I didn't think would happen. I honestly thought your sister might be a tad jealous, but she is no such thing. She takes care of you every chance she gets, talking sweetly, singing songs, helping with your Nuk, wiping you during a diaper change, and yesterday she even helped with your bath...which you didn't cry at and I definitely think that is because she was there.

You have mastered being able to keep your Nuk in for significant periods of time. You love the sound of our voices. You have already accepted the fact that we live at the baseball field. You are the best little cuddle bug and I hope you stay that way!

I cannot wait to experience all of the new things that you are going to start doing every day.
Happy ONE Month, Joseph!!

*drum roll please*


I had to.

Ahhhh, Nuk.
Love this boy.

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