Monday, July 8, 2013

tattoo and blue hair

Pool ready.

I did it! I took both little ones to the pool today! Well, Joshua did come to help, so I guess it's not too much of an accomplishment, but it sure felt like it. Joseph actually slept the entire time and Madeline was ready to go home once she got hungry. I really lucked out...I guess I'm totally downplaying my excitement at this point. I have a way of doing that.haha. Let's hope tomorrow is the same! We HAVE to go to the pool or I will feel like we really wasted money on the membership and I HATE wasting money.


There was a huge storm that came through around 3:00 and knocked our power out. Anthony was on his way in and I actually saw the bolt of lightning go right past him and hit something, causing the power to go. He yelled so loud that I think he thought it was going to hit sure looked like it!

So, I was talking to a Mom at the field the other day about Josh's hair. First, I think it's hilarious when I overhear a comment like, "how old IS that kid?" or a Dad saying, "he's got more of a beard than I do!". Cracks me up. And of course people never think it's my kid because I'm like four feet tall, so responding with his age or chuckling about how he wants to shave it just puts people into shock that this short little thing behind them is the Mom of this hairy giant.
Anyway, I was telling this Mom how I had fought the good fight about the hair up until he was about 10. Then I let him choose how he wanted it...which meant the least amount of haircuts possible. I joked about how I look back and think it's silly how long I stuck to my guns...then I pointed to Joseph and said how he'll probably have a tattoo and blue hair by the time he's 10.haha. It's true, I'm sure that with each kid you tend to loosen the rules a little more as you go along. Poor Josh, had to be the first with all these strict rules.
Well, Anthony just called and it seems as though Joshua has decided to get a hair cut tonight. That was weird...just as I was typing about him! We'll see what he comes home with. Fingers crossed they don't mess it up!

Really, kid??

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