Sunday, July 7, 2013


Sunday. It certainly doesn't feel like Sunday. My [big] guys are at a double header baseball game, Madeline is taking an unusually early nap due to our GNO (girls night out) making her bedtime 11pm, Joseph just had a bath, I'm drinking tea while typing to you fine people and the house is a wreck. I usually don't have time to notice that last part on the weekend because we're never here.
Our Sunday is usually hectic and filled with family baseball fun, but we decided after a few failed attempts at double header games that are an hour away with a toddler and an infant, in this terrible heat, were just not working out. Yes, it did take us a few times for the events to turn terribly wrong for us to take the hint. One game, ok. A home game, sure. But, when it's an entire day being an hour away from home, it makes it hard. I went to the day game with Joseph yesterday and it was pretty hot, so Anthony decided to take today's game solo because Madeline's exhaustion would not have lasted out there today.
My big guy
Sleeping at the field
Joseph stayed with Anthony at the field last night so I could take Madeline to Freedom Fest. I was a tad nervous, ok, almost panic attacking as I drove away, leaving Anthony with a bottle of pumped milk...not because he can't handle it, but because Joseph hadn't taken a bottle since he was 3 days old when my Mom and Ant had him at a pediatrician visit. But, he was WONDERFUL!! Yay! Bottled it up like a champ!
Yep, we had our first GNO last night at the Freedom Fest and I could tell it was much needed as she hugged and sat on me, in the ungodly heat, as we waited for fireworks. She was loving the one on one Mommy time, as we danced, acted silly and laughed. This was her first time seeing fireworks and she was absolutely amazed by them, not taking her eyes off the sky. I loved seeing her excitement.
 It was a really great time, except for the heat. VERY country. They had a band that played every country song I've ever heard, tons of food, tons of venders with tie dye, beads and light up toys and their fireworks were set to music, which was a lot of fun. I won't bore you with fireworks pictures, you've seen one, you've seen them all, but I loved how they raised the flag during their finale....
So, you want to hear something crazy? I'm scared to say anything, but Joseph has slept exactly 7 1/2 hours at night for the past 4 days. Wednesday night, I thought it was because he was so worn out from our family dinner at Me-mom and Be-pops. Thursday night, I thought maybe he just sleeps this well at Me-mom and Be-pops. Friday and Saturday night, at home, and I'm pretty sure it is some sort of fluke and he will revert back to like every hour or something. Ok, I should be positive, right? Maybe he just loves to sleep at night? That would be perfect because I do too. But, a month old? Madeline didn't do that until she was 10 weeks...and some never do. I'll just stop talking about it and hope that it sticks.

Here's some GNO pictures and videos...
Lovely nursing bra showing. That's ok, I fit right in.HAHA.

Madeline has watched these both about 20 times already....

And here's my crazy baby that loves baths....
I thought they all hated baths?? He's an exception. NOTE:: The outlet is further than it appears... I realize it looks close, but it is not.

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