Monday, July 1, 2013

AMAZING newborn item

Can I just say that I do not want this little squishy newborn time to pass, but I also cannot wait to show off what we have for his monthly pictures!! I'm excited..I ordered something super cute. I'm one of those very few people that LOVE little boy clothes, so I had been looking for them before I even knew he was a boy.hehe! It shall be epic...ok, maybe not to you, but for me it will be.
I made each one of Madeline's monthly numbers out of gift bags from the baby showers (I started at 1 month, but didn't start blogging them until 3 months and that's when I added things she was doing and her personality...I love looking back on it), but I figured I'm kind of short on crafty time lately, so wait until you see what I ordered!!! Eeeee!
Here's a few of Madeline's...
 I loved taking them and it is so awesome to see the changes every month.

So, a few changes that have occurred with us in this past month?
Our room sounds like an airport. No joke. Our children love white noise, so we have always heard the white noise from Madeline's monitor, which we have become used to. But now, Joseph's is positioned [loudly] under his rock 'n play..double white noise is the equivalent of an airplane taking off.non stop. We are sleeping, so I guess we don't mind it, but lord help us if anything else would happen in the house. Josh could probably have a house party and we wouldn't even know.
The amount of dirty diapers that are accumulating in our house and trash at this point would make you laugh your ass off. Joseph pees and poops more than I have ever seen a newborn do and Madeline still has zero interest in the potty. The environment hates us right now. I would love to cloth diaper this little guy, but you should see this family of five laundry we have going on at this point. It's ridiculous to even think about, honestly.
Our weekends have always been hectic, but now they are more like circus act...I'm sure the people observing think so, as well. Going to the baseball field is like packing for a week long trip to the most kid unfriendly, boring, hot place you can imagine...let's just say the desert. So, there you are [in the desert], with your infant and toddler for over three hours, with nothing else around, no toy is occupying said toddler, the infant is miserable because the car seat is hot and your body heat is hotter. It is HELL. We get lucky sometimes and there is this awesome teenage girl that will play with Madeline, those are awesome days...because obviously a girl is much more fun than we are and she will not complain for her.

Have I scared you yet? I hope not because the good totally outweighs the bad.
We are finally starting to get into a routine. Both the babes are napping right now.
Madeline is getting to experience being a big sister that is so close in age to her brother that they will be best of friends. She wakes up and is just as excited to see him every morning, as if it is the first time. She also loves to play with/like him. This was our house this morning....

I get to do this...
I have had this obsession with opening all three of my kids mouths and looking at their little tongues EVERY single time they are sleeping. I can't help it.

I will not wish away this stage because it is tough to lug an infant around with a toddler. I will enjoy it just as much as I did with Madeline because it goes by so darn fast. I am amazed daily at how I can fall in love, yet again in my life, instantly with this little person. There is so much love in my heart at this point it feels like it could burst.

My AMAZING newborn item of the week::

This cleared up Joseph's newborn acne/rash so fast I can hardly believe it. Seriously, it is baby miracle cream. Sensitive baby skin? Get some!

My cooking queen's new obsession is turning her sandwiches into butterflies. It's equally amazing each time...
And beware, if she makes you a cake, there's sure to be fingerprints....
These guys are too cute..

And this one is my goofball and future MLB star...

See?? It is ALL worth it.

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