Friday, June 28, 2013


I have an oversupply, which means I make so much milk that I could feed four babies. When Joseph latches on, he chokes, lets go and it rains breast milk. Isn't that super? SO super that I woke up last night sweating but freezing, aching but feeling paralyzed and that awful, familiar pain in boob was there. I crawled from bed, seriously, and took my temp to find that it was 103. Mastitis. I had it with Madeline, I know what it feels like...the flu, radiating from your boob. That is the reason I started pumping with her, just to get rid of the oversupply and avoid engorgement all of the I had hundreds of ounces of breast milk in our freezer almost like a collection because we sure never used it. Anyway, I called my OB for them to call in some antibiotics, but instead they said they needed to see the office that's 45 minutes away. This causes me to bawl my eyes out, sob uncontrollably and say, "Forget it, I will have a friend call their Dr. and just use their rx". Luckily, they called me back in five minutes and were on the phone with the pharmacy, calling in an rx for me. I said Thank You like 150 times. It's been a rough day feeling like death, but luckily, I have a teenager here to help me. Thank you, Jesus...I wouldn't have made it without him. Fingers crossed I feel better after a couple doses. Then I'll start pumping the mega stash I'll never use....

In other news, before my much needed nap, we watched Dumbo last night and today. I learned that my child is just like me when it comes to sad movies. She's so caring and emotional, a little too much to watch Disney movies. She full on cried when Mrs. Jumbo did not get a baby, like tears and all, SO ME...she kept asking where her baby was. Then she cried again when Dumbo was sad over his Mama. Poor thing...I had to hug and hold her and everything. My point? She is bossy, ahem, a leader, and silly and independent and a comedian and knows what she wants, which are all of Anthony's qualities, but she has my sensitivity and emotion.hehe. I can also see my motherly love come out in her when she loves on her brothers.

She is also so protective, like me, always looking at me, wide-eyed and asking, "WHERE'S JOSEPH??!" in such a serious way, like I have misplaced him. Any other time, she refers to him as "baby Joey", except when she is afraid I have forgotten him somewhere.

Celebrating Me-mom's 81st with party hats and blowers...

Eating frozen peas....
And this guy...
I'm out.

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