Wednesday, June 12, 2013

a few of my favorite things

Last day at Me-mom and Be-pops. *sad face* We have a pedi appointment tomorrow morning to check up on Joseph and his jaundice, which I think is fine now.
We're having a family dinner tonight with my parents, brother and niece. Anthony is going to try to get here as quickly as possible, after dropping Joshua off for baseball. So, that will be nice...I'll probably still cry as we leave.
I'm going to try to get as many pictures as possible of the little cousins...Madeline may or may not cooperate, it's a toddler thing. With all of the visitors in the past few days, she has become quite the little girl with a 'tude. Like I said, I'll be straightening her out for a good month after this.ha!

I'm feeling great. Well, I have been all along, honestly. I don't know what the difference was this time around, but I've been bouncing around like it's nothing. Maybe all of that preparing I did with my body worked to my advantage with the cesarean as well. They actually granted my request for a binder belt this time around too. I had one with Joshua that I swore by. Then when I had Madeline they said that they don't use them anymore. They said that this time too, but said they would still ask the Dr. Amazing how willing the Drs are to please you when things didn't work out the way you wanted...he quickly wrote out a prescription and I had it in 20 minutes. I've been wearing that for the past 4 or 5 days and I think it is really helping my stomach go back down. NICE! Is it crazy to say that I cannot wait to start exercising again?? Then I think about lugging two children to the gym care and it gives me butterflies....  I have a while until I'm cleared for that, so I think I start with some walks. Anyway, I'm glad they gave me the belt.
I may as well turn this into a few of my favorite things post.
Other things that have been life savers this past week?
A nipple shield. This guy is like a crazy piranha when he's hungry. Plus, my let-down is a little too much for him, so he ends up choking. I felt a little bit guilty about the shield at first...don't ask why, hormones, I guess...but now I'm cool with it. Whatever works, right?
Triple nipple cream. The whole maternity ward swears by it. One nurse even told Anthony that it was the best thing ever invented.haha. It's just 3 creams, hydrocortisone, triple antibiotic and miconazole nitrate, mixed together in your palm and applied. Best thing to keep your nips healthy while nursing. Just ask mine, they are happy.
The swaddler. Yep, the little baby straight jacket. He starts giving me signs when he needs it and he'll become very uncomfortable, shifting back and forth, kicking, punching. Then, like magic, he is completely calm. Amazing.

So, that's what I'm swearing by at a week in, the binder belt, nipple shield, triple nipple cream and swaddler.

Swaddled up!
My husband said we are limited on space in the car...ummmm...haha.

Little crabby.

Little diva.

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