Friday, June 21, 2013

This boy is so loved

Exhausted. Today must have been a busy day in the Amish world because they started up and down our street at 7am and have been going all day. Their buggies are anything but quiet!

^Especially THIS was like metal grinding against the road at 2 miles per hour.

It was a good day though. I'm proud to say that I have raised some super lovable siblings for little Joseph. Madeline is completely head over heels in love with this little guy and Joshua adores him. I'm so in love with these I currently listen to Madeline talking to Anthony and "baby Joey" upstairs.
I love how much they both love and have embraced him...

This boy is so loved and cared for.
We definitely planned this one right...considering I also have the help of Joshua for the summer. I usually just borrow him for about an hour so he can occupy Madeline while I get something done or cuddle Joseph while I spend some one on one time with my little lady bug. Then I spend time with him during nap time (both actually napped at the same time today!) and we catch up on "Teen Wolf". I'm loving this summer we just need to make our way to the pool, although I think I'll be in a cover-up for a majority of this summer since my boobs are x-rated size.haha.

Our girl time consisted of coloring the entire walk way.
I forgot how many selfies I take with a newborn..pretty much every time I'm holding him.

^nursing at the baseball field. I hide to spare any embarrassment Josh may have...although the poor kid has to see my boob all day long at home.ha! Hey, the kid has to eat.

Well, off to go "cubble" my husband and littles.... Then enjoy some of this...
Should last a while considering my one glass limit.


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