Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mirror project

Just sitting here, exhausted after a simple trip to the store for some party projects, drinking my (before bed) almond milk, kale and peanut butter smoothie ...crazy enough, you actually get used to it and look forward to this milkshake-like treat at night. Sad. haha. But, yeah, it's amazing how worn out a trip to the store with two kids is...especially while pregnant and lacking energy. I'm not complaining, I'm just pointing out that I think having a ton of energy from a low carb diet is bullshit...at least it is in my case.

Anyway, had a little energy yesterday and transformed an ugly gold mirror that I've had since I was 20 into something new. I like it. It's not perfect, but it's me. So, I thought I'd share.

Here's the before picture. Complete with tiny hand smudges all over.

I painted it a pretty turquoise, a new favorite color of mine. I wanted something different, so I tried my hand at an etching effect. I had read a lot of good things about Martha Stewarts Frost Etching, it was like a cream, but didn't have to be rinsed off.  Only problem was I couldn't find it in the craft stores, so it called for an Amazon order.
I picked up a large stencil...wasn't sure how good I was going to be at stenciling with a cream, so I didn't want to get too detailed and risk messing the whole thing up. The large pattern was very easy to follow and I could make sure it wasn't seeping beyond the stencil. Taped that bad boy down and went to town....

  Oh, see in the background there?? I found this little gem in my grandparents basement the other day....they are always happy to see something go from the basement. I'll be adding a white coat of paint and possibly distressing or antiquing it...or leaving it white.

Here's the finished mirror project. The only thing I would have changed is the way I centered it and left off the diamond shapes to the left...but, I kind of feel like it reflects me, so I'm happy with the completed project. ;)

Friday, January 9, 2015

You really have your hands full

It has been a crazy week....let me rephrase that... It has been a crazy start to a new year. From the New Years flu to Bepop in the hospital to a gestational diabetes diagnosis, I'm kind of scared the way this year has started. It can only go up from here, right? Or you always hear that things come in threes. I'm hoping that is true. At least we are all well now.
Monday and Tuesday were still rough for the little guy, but he's finally feeling better now.
Wednesday we went to get Madeline's cast off, so yay for that!
Thursday was my routine, 3 hr round trip, OB appointment. I was excited for that because we would be given our little guys birthday! March 4th, by the way, Anthony's birthday!!..he requested it. I slacked a little bit on the whole glucose test thing, with moving then Christmas then the flu. I'll be honest, I put it off. Didn't see it as a big deal considering I've never had a problem before. Then I was informed that I'm "too sweet"...I thanked him.haha!!! What he really meant was I have gestational diabetes. My number was through the damn roof. BOOOOOO. I was upset at first, explaining I haven't done anything differently this time...even though my sugar craving is much more intense than ever before. I indulged here and there, I found healthy alternatives to my cravings, I didn't overdo it. So, he gave me the whole it's not my fault, it's just the way my body is processing carbohydrates. Well, what now?? Now I have to go through a bunch of BS, including pricking my finger 4 times a day, and hope that I can regulate it with a low carb diet instead of medication. I'm drinking sugarless tea right now and it SUCKS. I'm trying not to complain, but I guess I just did. Today is day 1 and I am grumpy as hell. I have been dieting most of my life, so this shouldn't be any different. But, it is.haha. I know it will only take a few days and then I will be used to this change. Hey, I guess this explains why I'm still vomiting at least once a day and why I feel/am huge this time around.

A couple appointments this week, which always lead to comments, especially now that I'm REALLY showing. My favorite is "You really have your hands full"...normally directed at my growing belly. Since being out in public on Wednesday, I've heard it 5 times this week. FIVE times. I chose to respond differently each time. My OB is lucky I love him to make a comment like that, but I know he's always making jokes and loves to see them, especially since technically he did bring them into this world. To the lady that watched me open the door with my huge bag, papers from the Dr and holding both kids hands, I chose the "More reason to help with the door" and annoyed giggle approach. To the nurse that completely understood and offered to watch the kids while I peed in the cup, I chose to laugh like she was funny and it hadn't crossed my mind. To the older woman that looked like she hated kids, I went with the "there's also a 15 year old at home, you have no idea" approach. And to the little old lady that smiled as she told me she had been in my shoes many, many years ago, I thanked her. That one was my favorite...to see her eyes light up as she talked about how hard it was to go anywhere and get anything done. I knew that she loved every minute of it. But, still, lord help me when the new little guy arrives.haha.

This last 2 seconds for the little dude.

Civilized elevator ride.woah.HAHA.

Goof balls

Cast removal

Snow day play

Friday, January 2, 2015

I don't do resolutions

Wow. The past few days have been, well, hell. The flu hit us HARD. Only one of us was spared and damn did he steer clear of the rest of the family...I'm surprised Josh wasn't in a hazmat suit when he did have to come upstairs. It hasn't been the best start to a new year, that's for sure. We were all passed out into a flu-coma at like 7pm on New Years Eve...We were supposed to be at Me-mom and Be-pops, playing cards, enjoying family. I had planned on letting Madeline bang pans and all that fun stuff. Anthony planned on having a campout. Nope. There were fireworks right out front of our house that didn't even make the kids stir...I only noticed because we are still sans curtains in most of the house, including our bedroom.haha. I guess there's always next year!...for celebrating, not curtains.

I don't do resolutions...it's such a cliché and people never keep them. I've had some Tamiflu induced thoughts and dreams as to what this new year will mean for myself and family.

2015 is going to bring many wonderful events, a new baby into this loving family of ours, a new home that we will be filling with memories, a new outlook on our lives with all of the changes we have not even had a chance to reflect on yet, and a deeper appreciation for the strong team that is considered marriage, as we welcome the change. Things have become quite overwhelming at times and I can imagine come the first few days in March it will only be more overwhelming. I will seek out the helping hands we deserve and accept them..and that is okay. This year will bring so many wonderful, life altering changes that we will look back on next year and wonder how we never would have imagined life could be this grand.
It will not, however, include dysfunctional, negative situations in which affect our family, and wasted time worrying about things that cannot be changed. I worry too much...about every thing, and "making waves", and constant questioning others actions or lack thereof, just overthinking every.little.thing, wondering why, how....when in reality, who effing cares? Only me. And my husband because he has to be my sounding board...of the things that hurt and anger me. I'll be letting all of that go. People are going to be who they are going to be, that can't be changed. The only thing that can be changed is what you expose yourselves to.

So, there you have it. Not a "resolution", more of a revelation. And all I needed was to be on my death bed to come to it. HAHA.

It got pretty pitiful up in this joint.......