Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy ONE month, Christopher.

I find it hard to believe that you just joined our family one short month ago. It feels like you have belonged and been loved by us forever.
I think you're starting to understand the chaos of our family. The house could come crashing down and you wouldn't flinch. There's constantly a child in your face and you've already caught a spell of congestion from your siblings and their non stop kisses. You wait patiently in your car seat while every one is loaded into the van...most of the time. Somehow you sleep through screams, shrieks, and bangs.
You have definitely started making sure that even though there is chaos, you will not be overlooked. You've found your voice and will not hesitate to use it. You love to be worn while I make dinner and get things accomplished around the house. Being close to us, on our chests, is your favorite place to be. If you had it your way, you would be in our arms all the time.
Every day you are becoming more alert and aware of your surroundings....we love to see your big, beautiful eyes searching the room.
Sleeping is hit or miss...either going for 5-6 hours or up every 10 minutes. We think you are starting to get the hang of it though.

Most importantly, Christopher, you are the best little surprise this family has ever seen. You are so loved, adored, and admired by all...big and small.

Happy ONE month, Christopher.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Welcome, Christopher Henry

So, I typed this out a few days after we brought Christopher home, I got busy and never posted it, imagine that.haha. Now he's a month old and I'm waiting for his monthly ties to come in the mail for his pictures, so I figured I would post this in the meantime. Such a slacker. But, there's an awesome video at the end.

The last couple months leading up to Christopher were tough. Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes was not fun, but it was actually the least of my problems. The Polyhydramnios was what really did me in. I had never felt pain like that before. I tried so hard to enjoy the pregnancy, like I had with the others...but when you feel like Violet Beauregarde, swollen until you feel like you're going to explode, it is almost impossible. But, at night I would still sit and watch the amazing life that was moving and growing inside of me. It is so captivating to watch a pregnant belly in motion...to wonder what body part that is poking out, who he will look like,  the personality he will bring to our family, when he will decide to make his appearance. That is what I love about pregnancy...the surprise. And wow, it sure was a surprise when I had to wake Anthony up on the morning of February 20th...and by morning I mean starting at around 2am. I kept telling him to go back asleep because it was a false alarm, but my moans said differently. Anthony insisted we head to the hospital, I insisted on a shower and pack the hospital bag. We ended up leaving the house around 7am for our hour and a half commute in which, at this point, my husband was frantic over. The temperature was in the negatives and the gas tank in the van was on empty, so we had to stop. My Royal Farms request was for pretzels, ginger ale,  and water, which I would later regret not eating and drinking hardly any of it. The ride there was interesting, it included a lot of phone calls since we had just left the littles with Joshua until my Nan and Memom arrived, Anthony had to set everything up for work, and we had to inform the hospital we were coming.
When we arrived at the hospital, I was taken into a room, and hooked up to monitor the baby's heartbeat and contractions. They were still coming steady, which was good news because there was a lot involved if this was just a false alarm. When the Dr. checked my cervix and I was dilated, she decided labor was not going to stop, and it was time. Surgery is always a scary thing, especially for me...this particular time was a little more difficult than Madeline and Joseph, but not quite traumatizing like Joshua's birth. It took a little longer, it does each time because of scar tissue they have to work through. So, I started to get some pain in my chest and nausea, and then my anxiety may have kicked in.

Then there was an amazing part to that surgery, the birth of our beautiful Christopher Henry. The overwhelming wave of pure bliss came over me when I heard those baby screams and I laid eyes on him. It's a feeling I will never forget. Then to look at my husband's face, to know that he had that same exact feeling that I was experiencing. It is amazing. When there is so much love between two people and that love creates this little being. To be so truly, deeply in love with this tiny human that you just met seconds ago...that you didn't even think possible just months before. It's just completely amazing. My heart skips a beat thinking about it.

Welcome, Christopher Henry. Our most amazing surprise. You were always part of our plan before we even knew it. We love you to the moon and back.

We cherish these birth videos and feel lucky to have wonderful Drs that allow us to record in the operating room. I'm usually crying the loudest, but you can definitely hear the love. And the immediately look I gave Anthony, not realizing I was looking into the camera, to see the love on his face and tell him to have that nurse bring our baby back asap. HAHA.