Friday, June 28, 2013


I have an oversupply, which means I make so much milk that I could feed four babies. When Joseph latches on, he chokes, lets go and it rains breast milk. Isn't that super? SO super that I woke up last night sweating but freezing, aching but feeling paralyzed and that awful, familiar pain in boob was there. I crawled from bed, seriously, and took my temp to find that it was 103. Mastitis. I had it with Madeline, I know what it feels like...the flu, radiating from your boob. That is the reason I started pumping with her, just to get rid of the oversupply and avoid engorgement all of the I had hundreds of ounces of breast milk in our freezer almost like a collection because we sure never used it. Anyway, I called my OB for them to call in some antibiotics, but instead they said they needed to see the office that's 45 minutes away. This causes me to bawl my eyes out, sob uncontrollably and say, "Forget it, I will have a friend call their Dr. and just use their rx". Luckily, they called me back in five minutes and were on the phone with the pharmacy, calling in an rx for me. I said Thank You like 150 times. It's been a rough day feeling like death, but luckily, I have a teenager here to help me. Thank you, Jesus...I wouldn't have made it without him. Fingers crossed I feel better after a couple doses. Then I'll start pumping the mega stash I'll never use....

In other news, before my much needed nap, we watched Dumbo last night and today. I learned that my child is just like me when it comes to sad movies. She's so caring and emotional, a little too much to watch Disney movies. She full on cried when Mrs. Jumbo did not get a baby, like tears and all, SO ME...she kept asking where her baby was. Then she cried again when Dumbo was sad over his Mama. Poor thing...I had to hug and hold her and everything. My point? She is bossy, ahem, a leader, and silly and independent and a comedian and knows what she wants, which are all of Anthony's qualities, but she has my sensitivity and emotion.hehe. I can also see my motherly love come out in her when she loves on her brothers.

She is also so protective, like me, always looking at me, wide-eyed and asking, "WHERE'S JOSEPH??!" in such a serious way, like I have misplaced him. Any other time, she refers to him as "baby Joey", except when she is afraid I have forgotten him somewhere.

Celebrating Me-mom's 81st with party hats and blowers...

Eating frozen peas....
And this guy...
I'm out.

Monday, June 24, 2013


I step on rocks in our house. Yes, I have a rock collector and they could be anywhere. It has become quite the obsession with Madeline, she collects rocks everywhere she goes. All "treasures" like rocks, sticks, earrings, coins, etc., actually. She loves her treasures more than actual toys... makes me wonder why our family room is filled with all of these unnecessary toys then. She constantly has a treasure or two with her, even when she's eating....
I love how much she loves to be outside, now only if we could get her past the bugs.
Our little guy is 3 weeks today! Already. I can't believe how fast it goes by. As I did with Madeline, I shall cherish every day...even those tough newborn times where I'm unable to figure out what is wrong and a toddler is hanging from me as I try to. At night and the wee hours of the morning where he's wide awake or wants to be a marathon nurser will be cherished, as well, because I know how numbered they are. Anyway, that is our time...the time where we are alone, staring into each other's tired eyes. As exhausted as I am in the middle of the night, I find myself in awe of this miracle we made. It is amazing how in love you can be with a tiny person that you just met 3 short weeks ago.

I really need to use this down time that I have right now to write out "Thank You" cards now that my carpal tunnel has subsided, for the most part. I also need to order birth announcements...eeeek! excuse for not having those out.

I was reading a breastfeeding website the other night/early morning and found this little gem to be hilarious...

I found it to be so funny because I was seriously wondering the same damn thing when they gave me my "breastfeeding kit" at the hospital. I was excited, thinking it would be something useful, only to open it up and find cans of formula, a bottle ice pack and tons of formula coupons. Errrrmm? That's confusing. HAHA.

Friday, June 21, 2013

This boy is so loved

Exhausted. Today must have been a busy day in the Amish world because they started up and down our street at 7am and have been going all day. Their buggies are anything but quiet!

^Especially THIS was like metal grinding against the road at 2 miles per hour.

It was a good day though. I'm proud to say that I have raised some super lovable siblings for little Joseph. Madeline is completely head over heels in love with this little guy and Joshua adores him. I'm so in love with these I currently listen to Madeline talking to Anthony and "baby Joey" upstairs.
I love how much they both love and have embraced him...

This boy is so loved and cared for.
We definitely planned this one right...considering I also have the help of Joshua for the summer. I usually just borrow him for about an hour so he can occupy Madeline while I get something done or cuddle Joseph while I spend some one on one time with my little lady bug. Then I spend time with him during nap time (both actually napped at the same time today!) and we catch up on "Teen Wolf". I'm loving this summer we just need to make our way to the pool, although I think I'll be in a cover-up for a majority of this summer since my boobs are x-rated size.haha.

Our girl time consisted of coloring the entire walk way.
I forgot how many selfies I take with a newborn..pretty much every time I'm holding him.

^nursing at the baseball field. I hide to spare any embarrassment Josh may have...although the poor kid has to see my boob all day long at home.ha! Hey, the kid has to eat.

Well, off to go "cubble" my husband and littles.... Then enjoy some of this...
Should last a while considering my one glass limit.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

rock n play

I've discovered that our nighttime is very unpredictable.
Monday night was rough, with us passing Joseph back and forth from 2-4am. He wasn't necessarily crying, but grunting and seemed uncomfortable to me. Last night was awesome. Tonight, well, I should be asleep right now because it could be like Monday night and I'm at my grandparents without a husband next to me to pass him off to.
Naturally, I think something is wrong. It's the mother in me. So, I have cut out dairy and soy, two of the biggest problem causers while nursing. I also went out and got some gas drops. Now it's the question of which of these things made him more comfortable last night.
Well, I have quite a few friends that swear by the rock n play, it cuddles them on an incline making it great for babies with reflux (not saying he has that, please lord don't let him have that, I know too many mamas that have struggled through that awfulness, but he doesn't scream, so I'm pretty sure it's not) that's what I purchased today and he is currently asleep in right now....
I'll alternate between this and the bassinet while we're at home. But, this will also make for the perfect travel sleeper to take back and forth to Me-mom and Be-pops and on vacation.
He seemed to like it, even when he was awake..

I'll let you know by next week if it's on my "favorite things" list.

In other news, I stopped using the nipple shield as of Monday. I'm currently letting the piranha go to town and hoping that I get used to it.

Off to bed for me. I'm worn out. We had another wonderful family dinner tonight with my grandparents, uncle, parents, brother and niece, except for Anthony and Joshua, who were at our never ending baseball practices.

Here's Madeline picking lettuce in the garden with Memom...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Team Double Trouble

Hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day weekend! I always related Father's Day weekend with breakfast in bed..I used to make pancakes every weekend before everyone woke up from the time my mom let me use the stove, I'm talking major creations with whatever I could find, maybe that's why my Dad hates pancakes so much now.haha. Anyway, I related it with breakfast in bed, relaxation and some majorly boring activity my Dad wanted to do, for some reason I remember this weekend falling on some waterfowl festival or something, it is so clear because my Mom would keep saying, "It's your Dad's weekend, don't complain too much." But damn, have you ever been to a waterfowl festival?? I was so happy when my brother came along because then we had to rush through before he started crying.haha. Good times. My point? Our weekend was FAR from those Father's Days I remember in my childhood. We had a baseball game Saturday and Sunday, which we decided the whole family would go to. We really got a taste of what we are in for with a toddler and newborn, but I will say that we made a pretty exceptional tag team. Sunday's game was an hour away and you have to get there an hour that basically means we were outside for a majority of the day. Tag teaming back and forth between nursing Joseph and occupying Madeline. Although, she did friend these awesome teenage girls and ended up playing with them. They were such good sports.
The day led to an extremely exhausted toddler, a cranky newborn and a grumpy teenager. Anyone would have taken the hint to just pack up and go right home after the game, right? Nope, not us. We are making the most of this day. So, we wandered around aimlessly trying to decide what we wanted to eat at Wegmans..only to decide on pizza, which would take them 15 minutes (AN ETERNITY when wandering around a grocery store with the three children mentioned above) to bake. When it was done, we went to find a seat and Madeline saw a little play area...which led to a total toddler tantrum because Daddy said she had to eat first. A nap-less toddler crying is like nails on a chalkboard to everyone in the vicinity...and my husband had the "just let someone look at us wrong" look on his face. [[I'm cracking up thinking about this all now]] As I'm about to sit, Joseph decides he is I exit the whole meltdown situation. Come back and all is well as she plays in the play area after eating some chicken. I sat down to eat and couldn't help but laugh at the little circus we had going on...

We gave up after all this, right?? That wouldn't be us. Then we decide to go to Target...use your imagination.
But then, at the end of the night, we reflected on the blessing this little, well, now I guess it's kind of big, family is....

What an amazing Daddy.

I actually didn't even let our hectic weekend discourage me and I went for my first outing with, what I will affectionately call, Team Double Trouble! We ended up going to the park that is right up the street, but it felt like a small accomplishment. Maybe I will brave the store this, or I'll just take Joshua with me or leave Madeline with him. That is the nice thing about having a teenager on summer extra set of hands! Don't worry, I don't treat him like Cinderella or anything. Plus he truly does enjoy them...Madeline currently has him wrapped around her finger, just another person to spoil her.
Our park visit...

Then it rained, so we ate lunch in the car....
Madeline wears her heart on her sleeve when she meets little kids...and I'm starting to learn that some are not too keen to let another in their play group. She walked up to a little girl today, she looked about 8 or 9, and said, "Hi girl, remember me? I'm back!". It was so cute and the girl came back and said to stop following her. Have a mentioned I'm that crazy defensive mom? I understand the girl was older, she obviously doesn't have to play with Madeline, but don't be rude.  "Oh Madeline, you don't need to play with her...let's find someone nice that does want to play." HAHA. I don't even realize I'm being nasty until after, but don't be rude or hurt my kids feelings. That goes for anyone. Especially now that I'm crazy hormonal.

Oh man, my husband just texted about dinner...yeah, I forgot about that small thing that we do every night. I'm surprised I forgot, considering that nursing gives me the appetite of three teenage boys. Seriously, it's gross. I need to get it under control.

Little prince.
I need to edit the others, but here's my fav...
My princess and prince.



Wednesday, June 12, 2013

a few of my favorite things

Last day at Me-mom and Be-pops. *sad face* We have a pedi appointment tomorrow morning to check up on Joseph and his jaundice, which I think is fine now.
We're having a family dinner tonight with my parents, brother and niece. Anthony is going to try to get here as quickly as possible, after dropping Joshua off for baseball. So, that will be nice...I'll probably still cry as we leave.
I'm going to try to get as many pictures as possible of the little cousins...Madeline may or may not cooperate, it's a toddler thing. With all of the visitors in the past few days, she has become quite the little girl with a 'tude. Like I said, I'll be straightening her out for a good month after this.ha!

I'm feeling great. Well, I have been all along, honestly. I don't know what the difference was this time around, but I've been bouncing around like it's nothing. Maybe all of that preparing I did with my body worked to my advantage with the cesarean as well. They actually granted my request for a binder belt this time around too. I had one with Joshua that I swore by. Then when I had Madeline they said that they don't use them anymore. They said that this time too, but said they would still ask the Dr. Amazing how willing the Drs are to please you when things didn't work out the way you wanted...he quickly wrote out a prescription and I had it in 20 minutes. I've been wearing that for the past 4 or 5 days and I think it is really helping my stomach go back down. NICE! Is it crazy to say that I cannot wait to start exercising again?? Then I think about lugging two children to the gym care and it gives me butterflies....  I have a while until I'm cleared for that, so I think I start with some walks. Anyway, I'm glad they gave me the belt.
I may as well turn this into a few of my favorite things post.
Other things that have been life savers this past week?
A nipple shield. This guy is like a crazy piranha when he's hungry. Plus, my let-down is a little too much for him, so he ends up choking. I felt a little bit guilty about the shield at first...don't ask why, hormones, I guess...but now I'm cool with it. Whatever works, right?
Triple nipple cream. The whole maternity ward swears by it. One nurse even told Anthony that it was the best thing ever invented.haha. It's just 3 creams, hydrocortisone, triple antibiotic and miconazole nitrate, mixed together in your palm and applied. Best thing to keep your nips healthy while nursing. Just ask mine, they are happy.
The swaddler. Yep, the little baby straight jacket. He starts giving me signs when he needs it and he'll become very uncomfortable, shifting back and forth, kicking, punching. Then, like magic, he is completely calm. Amazing.

So, that's what I'm swearing by at a week in, the binder belt, nipple shield, triple nipple cream and swaddler.

Swaddled up!
My husband said we are limited on space in the car...ummmm...haha.

Little crabby.

Little diva.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

new little "brudder"

I should be sleeping right now...I really should. But, here I am.

I still have so many pictures to upload of our little guy's arrival.
How is it with the newborn?? Still nursing constantly. He's been pretty quiet....but how can he not with a boob in his mouth all day? So, it's been a lot of nursing covers, boppys, nipple shields, triple nipple cream and the end result, diaper changing. I will say, he is VERY alert for just a week old. It is amazing how he tries to look around at everyone, lift his head, push his feet and wiggle all around.
Madeline is still over the moon with her new little "brudder" that she calls "baby Joey". She just adores him and lets everyone know it!!

We have had fun these past few days at Me-mom and Be-pops. Filled with visitors, baby lovin, good food, fun times and spoiling of both the kiddos. But, that's what grandparents are for..and it has been grandparent overload lately, if there is such a thing, with M&B, Nan & Pap, Pop Tony. I'm going to have to run a boot camp to whip them into shape next week.haha.

Ahhh, this is the life.

Gorgeous quilt made by my Aunt Jacqueline...will look awesome against his gray walls. Looks like everyone was pretty confident this little guy was a little guy! haha.

After her sink bath.

Watermelon. Yum!

Purple nuk only flies in Md.haha.

Me-mom taught her to write on the lamp post with chalk.

On the go!

Worn out just watching my sister.

Cuddled up to Mommy.

The realization sets in that you have a change a very tiny diaper and a very large one.haha!!