Monday, June 24, 2013


I step on rocks in our house. Yes, I have a rock collector and they could be anywhere. It has become quite the obsession with Madeline, she collects rocks everywhere she goes. All "treasures" like rocks, sticks, earrings, coins, etc., actually. She loves her treasures more than actual toys... makes me wonder why our family room is filled with all of these unnecessary toys then. She constantly has a treasure or two with her, even when she's eating....
I love how much she loves to be outside, now only if we could get her past the bugs.
Our little guy is 3 weeks today! Already. I can't believe how fast it goes by. As I did with Madeline, I shall cherish every day...even those tough newborn times where I'm unable to figure out what is wrong and a toddler is hanging from me as I try to. At night and the wee hours of the morning where he's wide awake or wants to be a marathon nurser will be cherished, as well, because I know how numbered they are. Anyway, that is our time...the time where we are alone, staring into each other's tired eyes. As exhausted as I am in the middle of the night, I find myself in awe of this miracle we made. It is amazing how in love you can be with a tiny person that you just met 3 short weeks ago.

I really need to use this down time that I have right now to write out "Thank You" cards now that my carpal tunnel has subsided, for the most part. I also need to order birth announcements...eeeek! excuse for not having those out.

I was reading a breastfeeding website the other night/early morning and found this little gem to be hilarious...

I found it to be so funny because I was seriously wondering the same damn thing when they gave me my "breastfeeding kit" at the hospital. I was excited, thinking it would be something useful, only to open it up and find cans of formula, a bottle ice pack and tons of formula coupons. Errrrmm? That's confusing. HAHA.

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