Monday, February 24, 2014

night away

It's been a few weeks....actually maybe even the entire February. Crazy month. Way too much snow, cooped up kids, sickness, four top teeth coming in, sleepless nights. Oh, I should also mention that we have become addicted to watching Breaking Bad, so that takes up our nights.haha.

Well, Anthony surprised me with a night away to the bed and breakfast where we were absolute favorite place ever. We stayed in a beautiful room...

Complete with wine & cheese...

And jacuzzi baths with bath bombs...

We had a bit of a bubble problem though...

He also planned an entire spa day for me with an amazing staff, where I received a mani/pedi, facial and massage. AMAZING. It has been such a long time since I have had any of that done...actually, it was my first facial and now I'm hooked, I wish my face felt like that every day.haha. No pictures there because my phone was tucked away..complete relaxation.

He surprised me with cupcakes made like our wedding cake, from the same bakery. DELICIOUS.

We went to dinner at an amazing restaurant we hadn't tried yet...all local food, so good. We listened to the band there for a few then headed over to another restaurant for more music. I had my fill of Md beers...mmm..quite a few.haha.

It was just such a great time. I loved having some alone time with the hubs!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's NOT all puppies and rainbows, people!

Please, before you read this, know I'm the type of person that's gets over things quickly. So, it's no biggie, I wrote about it because 1) I found it comical the second I got everyone out of the damn car 2) I ALWAYS write about happy things 3) I know others can relate. No worries, people, I'm not going to skip town.....YET.

Hell of a night. One of those nights where you just expect things to go wrong by the end of it. One of those nights where you walk in the door and pour a glass of wine just because.

It was supposed to be an easy night. Anthony was taking Joshua to get his asthma meds (eff asthma, it is a bitch). I was taking Madeline to get her ballet supplies (eff the damn country where there are no stores). Easy peasy, right? I don't mean to be a downer, but nothing ever seems easy with us. I guess I'll just run through my night from the beginning....

Joshua had a serious attitude, like the doctor visit was inconveniencing HIM and not us! Dropped his attitudey ass off with Anthony, where, of course, the 'tude is gone and I look like a nut for being stressed. 
Then, if you read my earlier blog you know that Joseph HATES the car, the back seat wailing started and lasted alllllllllllllllll the way until we arrived at Target. UGH. Have you ever rode in the car with a screaming baby?? The first 10 minutes you try everything....loud music, singing at the top of your lungs, having your toddler act silly, turn on the inside car lights (safe, huh?), you even pull over a couple times to replace the nuk, toy, thing you wouldn't even normally give a baby. After that 10 minutes, your mind starts going a little, deciding that listening to the "Frozen" cd for the billionth time PLUS a screaming baby just may set you over the damn edge, so you turn it off, resulting in a three year old asking why you have turned it off and starts crying, as well. Then, there are TWO crying kids in the is wailing, kind of like nails on a chalk board, and the other is crying that pitiful back to back WAH that makes your milk let down. You contemplate pulling over and jumping out at Duffer's Pub, leaving them safely locked in the car for just a few minutes, but then you remember seeing things like this on the news. So, you turn the Frozen cd back on to stop the wailing and pray that maybe the WAH will stop. Nope. He WAH's until we get there....even throwing in the "Ma ma ma ma ma" that I have most recently learned is a combo between milk and Mama, but really, it all means me. When we FINALLY (effing FINALLY) get there, I jump out like there's a fire, start unbuckling him like a crazy woman and whip him on the boob before he's even out of the car all the way....I just stand there in the parking lot, making sure his ears and everything else is covered to keep him warm, loving the sound of no crying. 
At this point, I am SOOOO resenting my husband with attitudey teen at the Dr. I would trade places right about now..what was I thinking?? He could have taken the littles for this.
That's when the phone rings because there's a medication question, so we have a speakerphone convo with the Dr, baby hanging off my boob while I'm standing in the parking lot. Oh, HAHA, they sounded like they were having a grand time, joking with the Dr....damn, first time I was ever envious of anyone sitting with the Dr. My husband even forgot to hang up and the laughter made me snarl. That's horrible, isn't it?? No, it's not, reread the last damn paragraph. 

Then, we get into Target and I'm wearing Joseph and letting Madeline walk because we are there to get fun things for her. Well, apparently I forgot that a three year old is easily swayed on what she thinks is fun. At that moment, the stupid Target dollar area was what we went in there for. She picked up something and wanted to carry it along, I gave the 1-2-3 magic warning because that is the method I like to go with and she put the item back, but was still sad about know, the kind of sad where the whole store needs to know about it. She was taking her deep breaths, but still having a hard time with the rule I had set in place. SUPER FUN TARGET VISIT. Anyway, found what we were there for and she was thrilled!!! Cute, little black leotard for ballet with diamonds in the back!

But, I needed to get the tights and shoes at another place....Payless. Alright, that's at the mall. Fine. Load the kids back in the car and travel another 15 minutes. Joseph was alright for that little car ride...even when I turned in the wrong shopping center.errrr.
We get to the mall, again I wear Joseph and have Madeline walk. Turns out that where we parked, at the END of the mall, is the EXACT opposite END of where the store is. My luck. So, it took a good half an hour just for Madeline to walk to the store, not even counting the pretzel and smoothie samples, water fountain penny throwing and conversations with anyone that would talk to her. DAMN, I have some patience. The lady at Payless was a huge help and explained to Madeline how ballet slippers had to fit tight. THEN THE WALK BACK. Same damn thing, samples and all. HAHA, I had to laugh at that point. Laughing stops when my husband tells me he filled prescriptions for THREE months for Joshua that he doesn't even use that often(rescue inhalers)....try telling him he is wrong, but also secretly hating on his quiet time while sitting at the pharmacy, waiting for the rx. FUN, money wasted because of a stubborn man....I can guarantee it's not the first time.

The ride home. Reread the first paragraph, but he was actually distracted for a few brief minutes by our singing and Madeline's peek-a-boo with animal sounds. I said BRIEF.

There you go. It's NOT all puppies and rainbows, people!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy EIGHT Months, Joseph!

You are on the GO, GO, GO! Favorite mode of transportation is crawling like you're being chased..maybe you are, since you ALWAYS have something in your mouth that you're not supposed to. You're pulling up on everything, cruising, letting go and thinking you can walk...resulting in our first little face injury yesterday.
It wasn't here, it was actually before this. 

A typical day with you usually starts at 2am. haha. Not kidding.
So, 2am, you nurse. Then you either forget to set your alarm for 5am and sleep until 7 OR I get the pleasure of seeing your cute little face again at 5am and then you are either nestled in with me or in your crib until around 8. 
We usually wait for your sister to wake up and then have some breakfast. You will eat anything, we have yet to find something that you do not like. 
After that, you crawl laps around the house, looking for every little thing you can possibly find to put in your mouth. You generally entertain yourself, but also love when your sister, brother or one of us play too.
I can tell you're going to be mischievous because you get into EVERYTHING. We never had to baby-proof before, but I think things are going to be different with you.
You are a generally happy guy...lately always have your tongue hanging out, making you look like a puppy, especially when you're crawling around.haha. 

Like the rest of us, you ALWAYS have something to say! When you want me, you say melts my heart, but I'm quite sure you that is your way of saying "milk" because I say milk each time before I nurse you. But, we can pretend it means Mommy.hehe.
You also say, "ba ba" for "bye bye" when you see someone (mainly the cat) leaving the room.
Those are the two unprompted words you have right now.  
You will try to repeat a lot and even surprised Be-pop with a "bop" on a FaceTime convo the other day.
The rest is still jibberish....and I love it.

You are a pretty go with the flow guy when we are out. You don't mind being dropped off at the gym or shopping. But, you don't really like the car....actually, you loathe the car and really make that known. 

Let's see, things you love....
Swimming! It is so adorable to see you in the pool. You love to splash, kick, dunk your face, such a little water bug. I do believe swimming lessons are in your near future!
Cuddling. You love to cuddle...especially at night. But, really, you would stay in our arms all the time. 
People watching. Oh my gosh, when we are out, you study everyone around you and catch their attention a majority of the time.
Cheerios, fuzz balls, paper, wires, remotes, phones, anything you could find on the floor. Half of the day is probably spent retrieving things from you that you shouldn't have.
Your nuk, lovey and zebra at bedtime. These three things stay in your bed because that's what you look for the second we lay you down...nuk in your mouth, the lovey and zebra on each arm. Every time.

Love you, little cuddle bug. 

Happy EIGHT Months, Joseph! Oh, and I have affectionately nicknamed you Joe-joe. hehe. But, that's usually only to get your attention when you won't respond to Joseph.

Monday, February 3, 2014

delayed due to snow

Today Joseph is EIGHT months!! But, that has been delayed due to snow. ... cue cute snow photos....

Can you guess the first thing Madeline said when our snowman was complete?? "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!". HAHA! 

Yep, we had [another] snow day and Joseph was actually out in it this time too!

Busy couple weeks! Well, last week I was pretty much recovering from Madeline's party.haha.
Some decor pictures from her "Frozen" party...
The favors. "True love kisses", sparkly "Snowball Playdough", and snowflake white chocolate.

 The birthday girl...

Hot chocolate bar and sweets....

Mmmm...even add-ins for the adults...

 Hot chocolate mugs for everyone to take...
 High heel cupcakes..

We had a great time.

This weekend was full of fun....for the littles. We kind of just tagged along.haha. Joshua was even able to get some baseball practice in.
A Happy Birthday surrounded by babies....LOVE it!

Baseball practice.

Indoor playground fun!

Pool fun...

We went to the movies for "Frozen" sing along with my #1 girl...

Her new toy...