Monday, October 31, 2011

What we call a relaxing weekend

What a weekend! and all we did was relax!

Madeline went from pulling herself up occasionally to being a climbing, standing, maniac basically overnight!
I'm too big for my own good.


Here's a rare before Halloween sight............
What is going on here?
Really trying to understand.

Wait, this white stuff may be kind of fun!

We braved the "snow storm" and showed off our costume while shopping...
Gots treats?

Relaxed in the tub....

Mommm, really?

Slept in Sunday, then went to Pop Tony's to show off our Tinkerbell costume....

Can I help you?

Get him, Donna!



Anthony found a new use for the Tink wings.

What's on your head, Pop Tony?

We then joined the chaos of mall trick or treating!

She had a blast looking at all of the children dressed up in their outfits!
 And then she passed out.

THIS is what we call a relaxing weekend! Especially after the past 2 tournament weekends!
And you may wonder where Josh was during all of this and if we maybe have him chained up somewhere. Nope, he was just happy to have a weekend off!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy NINE Months, Bug!

Well, looks like we have an extremely mobile, curious, talkative, NINE month old on our hands!

You are really starting to become a big girl, Madeline! It is amazing how active you are, non-stop from the time you wake up until you go to bed. You're trying to stand in the middle of crawling, pulling yourself up on everything and climbing all over us as if we are your jungle gym. It's really quite entertaining to watch! and it keeps us moving too! I haven't decided whether the look on your face when you discover things is curiosity or mischief...

But if you see it, you HAVE to touch it! And you go to great lengths to get to things you want! Determination is an understatement.

What a character! You're like a little comedian. Once you know something is funny, that's it....

Your list of words and imitations grow by the day! You try to repeat any word we say to you, it started with ma-ma, da-da, ba-ba, ahhh, type sounds/words and has now progressed into actual words that you try to imitate, yay, boots, yum, pop, mom, the list goes on and on. The other day, you imitated the door creak and I insisted that you were a genius. I know, all Moms think that.

Your favorite toys are your telephone (that we only keep in the car), Scout, puzzles (Mommy & Daddy have become quite the fast puzzle pros, putting them back together after you have gone to bed) and anything you cannot have!

You have discovered that you love kiwi, cream cheese or any cheese for that matter and beans. Oh, and anything we are eating! If it's bad for you, we trick you with something healthy...yes, we're sneaky like that. There's also this new trick where you like to try and feed me what you are eating...yummy, mushy, whatever is in your hand, really.

There are two pearly whites in the bottom of your mouth resulting in a beautiful little grin and judging by your current mood, I think there are more coming! Teething is a wicked thing and if I could go through it for you, I would. You do love your teething tablets though and frozen celery helps too.

You enjoy our library groups and have become quite the social bug, during the actual story time, making sure everyone knows you are there. They really get a kick out of you. A little comedian, just like Daddy.
We have a little outdoor girl on our hands, you love to go for walks, watch the world around you and swing at the park. 

You have brought so much love, laughter and happiness to our entire family and are one of the most loved little girls ever. Mommy can't get enough of you. Daddy's heart melts for you. The brothers adore you. The Grandparents are in awe of you. This family is in love with you!
Happy NINE Months, Bug!

and keeping in the spirit of Halloween..............