Friday, July 19, 2013


It's time. I need to get my body back. I had my 6 week postpartum appointment the other day and I did what I never, ever do....I looked at the scale. Now I know why I never do that. The number is permanently etched in my head, making me feel, well, UNHEALTHY. I was actually feeling ok about myself since I'm fitting into some pre-pregnancy clothes, but now, BLAH.
I eat salad everyday....along with absolutely everything in my path. Nursing has made me SO hungry this time around and a salad does nothing for my insane appetite.
A few more weeks and I will be able to take Joseph to the gym care. Like I have said before, that gives me anxiety...thinking about getting two kids and myself together in time for a class. Plus, leaving him with someone I do not know for an hour. I will be right upstairs, so I guess it's not really that big of a deal, but it feels like it. I'm sure it will only feel that way for the first couple times then it will become routine.
Speaking of babysitting, I think I'm also going to have to plan a date night with my husband soon. It has been way too long since we did something alone. Not really that we care because, obviously, our children are our life. But, I'm guessing that a healthy relationship includes dates alone every now and then. Right? We would be able to have Joshua watch Madeline, easily, but it's the whole infant care that could be a challenge.
Apparently it's one of those rambling random thoughts posts.
Back to my unhealthy feelings, I'm seriously going to come up with a plan because that number on the scale was NOT me. I never let a number define me, not even during pregnancy did I look at the scale, but this number was depressing. So, now that I did see it, I know I need to work on some things....and NEVER look again!

Here's our little performer....
High heels

Eating corn
I just love this. Couldn't stop laughing when my brother sat next to me with his boppy.

Me-mom giving some Joseph love!

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