Monday, July 29, 2013

Baby watching

What an awesome long weekend with my family. We started out on Thursday night...on our way to Cape May. I was kinda leery of our 3 hour drive with an infant, but it worked out just fine. And it was a good practice run for our upcoming super long vacation ride in a few weeks.
We arrived in the beautiful Cape May, threw on some sweatshirts, broke out the double stroller and headed for a wonderful walk with Mom-mom Cece and Aunt Jo...who had such a fun time pushing the stroller, watching Madeline on rides, loving on Joseph, seeing Madeline's reaction to the beach, playing in the water fountain and enjoying our company.

Then, we woke up, Madeline discovered the Mom-Mom Cece had some really incredible "jewels" (rosary beads and medals) and seashells for her to play with, had a fun morning and went out for breakfast at a nice, not crowded spot they knew about.
Off to the boardwalk for rides after that! Joseph was loving his ride in the stroller and Madeline was obsessed with riding this train. She also tried the motorcycles and changed her mind mid-way.  We then went on this entirely too fast swing ride that she wanted to end immediately, but the operator wasn't as accommodating as the motorcycle one, so she had to just hang in there.haha. Every ride we put her on, she would just ask for the train again. She also played some games with Daddy. We had fun!

It was off to Md on Saturday. My grandparents really are amazing...not for putting up with my husband and his crazy sense of humor..but they offered us a long overdue date night while they kept Joseph and Madeline. We took Joshua along to help with any issues that may occur, but all was well...I know, I called quite a few times. It was nice to get out with my husband alone, but pretty much the only difference? It was a lot faster getting out of the car and through the mall, we didn't have to rush through our meal thinking someone was going to flip their shit before we finished, I was able to enjoy a margarita and we caught a movie. So, I guess they are pretty big differences. But, the truth is, I really don't mind all of those things. I love our family time. Even if it means bringing a thousand things with us, taking forever to get out of the car and where we want to be, rushing through a dinner at a family friendly restaurant because Madeline may get tired of sitting and refraining from an alcoholic drink so I can nurse Joseph, and a movie? Forget it. HAHA! I don't mind all of those things, it's all part of being good parents. We did completely enjoy our time together and couldn't appreciate it more that our over 80 year old grandparents offered us the chance. They are awesome.

After that, it was our normal family time. Be-pop made breakfast, Anthony and UH went shopping, everyone had a snowball, the whole family helped me cut fabric for a knock-off Beachfront water wrap, and, of course, there was PLENTY of baby/toddler watching going on.
I think "baby watching" was made famous by my grandparents. Baby watching is when Me-mom and Be-pop grab a quilt/blanket throw it on the table, plop the baby on it and just sit and WATCH. That's right. They want to see every single thing that baby is going to do. They have been doing it since I can remember...starting with my brother, then my children, Joshua, Madeline and now Joseph. Baby watching then turns into toddler watching...where they sit and watch every single move Madeline will make and hang on to every single word she will say. You never knew there were anyone in this world that could love your babies as much as you do...until you see the way grandparents look at them...THAT is an indescribable (get away with murder) love right there.
Oh, back to our weekend. Here we are, back home, back to reality, ready to clean, eat healthy, pack for vacation, unspoil the kids, plan a baptism, get ready for Joshua to be a highschooler.....OH MY, let me stop and just keep enjoying this summer....

Today was a pool day and I tried out my new obsession...the knock-off Beachfront water wrap. It was a hit!! I am lucky to have an awesome baby wearing friend that made a youtube video for me so I could learn the wrapping technique. I think I did pretty well. Even covering his legs so the sun wouldn't be on them. And now I'm hooked.
I met a young grandma, super hip, a few days ago at the pool and even though she had her THREE granddaughters (6 mo., 2 & 4!! gah! I nicknamed her superwoman!) with her, she kept helping me. SO impressive. Anyway, today, I was able to help her since I had both of my hands free and no car seat to lug next to me! Yeah, I become obsessed with things and cannot stop talking about them. Just ask my he will have to hear about babywearing over and over again,haha.

Playing with friends


I think he likes it.

I know I do!!

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