Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!
Just ran Madeline all around Me-mom and Be-pop's house, outside, front to back, across the street to see fireworks that people were setting off. We are going to have a GNO (girls night out) on Saturday night and go to the Herr's factory for their Freedom fest to see fireworks, but we wanted to make sure she saw a few tonight. This way it would prepare her also.
We had a nice, relaxing day at Me-mom and Be-pop's house though. A casual cookout, Joshua skateboarding, Anthony and Joseph cuddling, and all the grandparent playtime Madeline could handle...or should I say that Me-mom and Be-pop could handle? haha. Always such a nice time to see my children being loved by their really is a wonderful feeling.  I can remember spending so many days with them and it being the same way. I love to see them making memories that I will never, ever let them forget because I sure know that I will never forget the times that I have spent with my Me-mom, Be-pop, Pop-pop, Mom-mom and Mom-Marilyn. I love them all...grandparents are the most special people in a child's life...and the memories of playing, sleepovers, warm hugs, love and laughter last a lifetime.
Here's some of our 4th fun....
Dressing up Me-mom
 Cuddling Daddy

Looking for fireworks

Loving being outside in the dark

My handsome boys

Just chillin'

So sweet

I'm in love with this picture

And in love with this shirt

Snowball time!

 Madeline's first snowball

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