Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Happy SIX Months, Christopher!

Sorry I'm late, little buddy, but you turned SIX months at Myrtle beach!! Lately it's hard to find the time to it down at the computer so...  Happy SIX Months, Christopher! We tried to write a 6 in the sand...even though it's kind of hard to see. You were such a good boy on vacation, as we toted you back and forth from the beach, to the pool, to the room, all day long.

You are so easy going. Whatever, wherever, you are there.. Except long car could definitely do without them. We can take you anywhere though, and you're just so happy and content.

Your smile is contagious and it just lights up our home. We are all completely obsessed with you and how adorable you are. I could stare at you all day, Daddy just loves to nibble you all over, Joshua loves to make you giggle, Madeline could squish you to bits, and Joseph still treats you like a gentle newborn, with gentle forehead kisses for his little "HI". Yep, that seems to be the nickname your brother, Joseph, has given you....I think he hears us saying, "HIIIIIII" in a cute, sing song way that he may have assumed that was what you should be called. No matter how hard we have tried, he still calls you HI. You enjoy all of us just as much, though....falling all over yourself whenever we say just one word. When your sister starts to pick you up and we are running to save you, you're so laid back. haha.

Food is your most recent interest. Anything we have, you want. You have tried veggies, grains, and even some meats. Pizza crust falls under grains, right? because you LOVED it. You also really love eggs, peas, and green beans.....but, there's a possibility you love all things food.

You grab everything in sight and it goes straight in your mouth to your 2 emerging bottom, front teeth. The smaller the toy, the better, so we really have to watch you with all these big kid toys laying around.

You adore make it a point to wake up exactly at 3am every morning. You nurse and cuddle. It's almost like you know this is just our time. We both end up falling back asleep, while you're nursing, but I always put you back in your bed before sunrise because your sibs like to wake up a tad WAY earlier than you. Oh, and when you wake up at 3am, you're never crying, just talking...and waiting for me. It makes my heart skip a beat.

Sitting up like a big boy, you also try to maneuver your way around the floor to where you want to be. It's mostly a roll, but you're also exploring your hands and knees. I love to see you wiggle all the way across the floor, only for a big sibling to remove the toy that was your destination. You don't cry about it, you just watch how they play with the toy....either plotting revenge or how you will play with it at some point.

You are loved so much.....our little BIG surprise that we cannot imagine life without.

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