Monday, October 14, 2013


Coffee break!
It's a little after 1:30 and I just put the kids down for a nap. A little early, but we went to the gym this morning and I think it wore them out. Yesssss.

Today was my first day back to the gym. I missed Body Combat at 9:15, so I had a choice between Zumba at 10:15 or the next Body Combat at 12:15...I didn't want to risk two tired kids on my first day back, that may have really impacted my attitude toward returning. So, I chose Zumba. I haven't worked out in like 4 months, shame on me, and I probably haven't done Zumba in over a year. Can I just say I looked like the whitest person EVVVVER? First, I'm not used to this fuller figure that having a baby has left me I'm thinking, or hoping, that is why I had absolutely no rhythm.  Second, I'm very out of shape that's probably why I was sweating after 5 minutes in. Third, I have a problem with freeing my mind (leaving your 4 month old in gym care for the first time  HAVING CHILDREN will do that), so I'm going to assume that's why I couldn't follow a damn thing that was going on. That being said, I was sweating, smiling, dancing (to my own beat when I couldn't keep up) and that is what I wanted to accomplish today!
As for the the gym care part. I was worried about Madeline going back, as well. She hasn't been in 4 months either, so I wasn't sure how she would feel about it...she was also a little hesitant about leaving her baby brother in the baby area and her going to the big kid area to play. But, they were VERY happy to see her back and said she didn't miss a beat. Awesome! Although, she did throw an epic fit when it was time to leave.
As for Joseph, he was sound asleep in a swing when I returned. haha.
SUCCESS! Now, I know all days will not go like this. But, I am happy for how well it went today and I will be going back tomorrow. Back on my grind. BAM!

Now, off to address these Baptism invites!! Ahhhh! November 10th will be here before I know it.

Did someone say Baptism??

Oh! And meet Madeline's new betta fish, Nemo.haha.

Bad picture, but...
He's so much more happy in the tank then the cups they keep them in.

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