Thursday, August 1, 2013

Funny things my toddler said today....

Toddlers are hilarious. Seriously, they are. They come up with the best things to say...and then wonder why you're laughing.

There are always cute words and the way they are pronounced that is cute. Some of my favorites with Madeline are...
mench toast: French toast
hopcorn: popcorn
cubbles: cuddles
Oh, and Cindewella (Cinderella) & Gumbo (Dumbo) are my favorite movie requests.haha.
I love her little voice. I need to take more videos so I always remember it.

She makes up songs too...just like her father...and they could be about anything. I find myself praying that our children pick up so many of my husbands traits. His sense of humor, his confidence, his generosity, his ability to find the fun in anything, but most of all, the way he could care less about what anyone thinks. He is very rarely affected by how people treat him and hardly ever gets his feelings hurt. I hope they can be like him because lord knows, I am nothing like that. I can already see that Madeline has the potential though, don't ignore her, she will come back even louder and stronger.haha!

I could definitely write a post like this every single day.
Funny things my toddler said today....

Me: "Madeline, why are you crying?"
M: "Mommy, I'm a big girl. Big girls need to cry too."

*puts on Me-mom's eyeglasses because I have on my glasses*
"Mommy, let's do 'Cheers' with our glasses!"
*insists we bump our eyeglasses together and say "Cheers!"*

"Me-mom, I'm going to eat your face!!!"
Of course Me-mom made a cannibal comment.haha!

Her adorable way of saying, "here I am!".

"Mommy, your belly is squashy"
Yes. Squashy.
When I explained it was from having babies, she then called it "Mommy's squashy baby belly". Nice.

I'm sure there were more today, but these were my highlights.haha.

As always, pictures!
Be-pop made eggs..mmmm!
Our glasses...cheers! haha.

Look at this BIG guy! I can't believe it.

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