Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mom guilt

It's the final countdown. Vacation is almost here. I've been trying to pack, but I have this CRAZY Mom guilt when I'm not spending every second entertaining my children. It's true...and sick...and prevents me from getting anything done. Well, Madeline's suitcase is all packed up, so something IS done, but not as much as I'd like. Today, Anthony took Joshua to his baseball tournament (consolation games since we didn't win any yesterday), so I probably should have been packing my ass off...then Mom guilt hit, so I took Madeline to the pool instead. I like when my husband says, "So, you hung out at the pool all day, huh?"..."Yes, dear, I was set up in a lounge chair without a care in the world". Pssh. Quite the opposite when you have a toddler near water and an infant. I can't even imagine what it is like to grab a "lounge" chair at this point.

Back to that Mom guilt...y'all know what I'm talking about. When you have to get things done and then it eats you up inside. When you flip on the tv to try to get some laundry done or say "[I'll play] in just a minute" about 10 times while you're trying to do dishes or when you find your baby passed out in the swing, probably from boredom, while you were cleaning up toys or cleaning instead of sitting down to watch a show with your teen while the littles nap or you realize your child has repeated themselves 5 times while you were concentrating on making dinner or you had to stay home with the babies instead of getting them up at 6am for a baseball tournament or maybe you had some project you wanted to get done so they had some independent play or you stayed inside on a perfectly sunny day. Then IT creeps in....yep, Mom guilt...Here I am, letting this tiny human down, when I'm supposed to be their everything, parent, teacher, friend, playmate; I ended up doing stupid, meaningless things instead. I can't believe I didn't take them outside on this beautiful day...what if it rains tomorrow? I should be playing and holding and squeezing these kids every second of every day because they will not be little for long. I need to make every day fun and educational for them. And it goes on and on, but you either get the point or know exactly what I'm talking about.
My mantra for these next few days of packing (and going to get my hair done tomorrow), to avoid Mom guilt, will be: This is only for a few days then my children will have my entire, undivided attention on vacation...playing in the pool, finding sea shells, walks on the beach at night, card games, wiffle ball, family fun and anything they want! But, in order to get there, I must be here (PACKING!!).
I do give them ALL my attention every second I can though.
This is what nursing looks like.haha. And Joshua is usually on the couch, showing me something on youtube.

In other news, Joseph is trying his hardest to roll, but his darn arm is getting in the way.haha. I really thought I was going to get it on video today...

Goes from this ^
To this within seconds...
Then we help him along....

She talked Nan into a donut for breakfast...IN Nan's clean car.
This cracks me up.


Baseball tournament baby wearing.

LOVE is a big sister with her little brother.

She always makes sure he's hooked up with toys too.
 And my favorite...

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