Friday, August 30, 2013

School stresses me out

Is it bad that I'm already like, "Whew! I sure am glad you're off tomorrow, Joshua", as we sit and watch our MTV show, Teen Wolf, and I drink wine. Yeah, the school year is 4 days in, 2 of which I was in Md. I hate school. Oh, did I just say that? Well, I do. I wish it was the opposite, 2 months of school and the other 10 of vacation.
School stresses me out. I worry he getting to his classes, writing down his assignments, making a good impression with his teachers, fitting in with the right kids, acting the way he was raised, not trying to be something he's not, choosing a nutritious lunch? Ummm...I think I need anxiety meds. I have seriously had so much stress this week that my head is spinning. I can't remember if I felt this way before he was in high school... I know I always hated when he went back, but I don't think it was anything like this. THIS is like anxiety I've never felt. I guess we always worry about our children.

How about some funny things my toddler has said?? That always puts a smile on my face...that and kissing a sleeping baby's "duck face", you know that face they make when you start to disturb them,...GAWD, those two things melt my heart.

While on vacation:
Madeline likes to repeat things that other children say and while in the baby pool, she encountered a Chinese speaking girl. Well, naturally, our daughter turned to Anthony and TRIED to repeat what the girl said to her mother in Chinese. There's not too many times where my husband gets embarrassed, but that may have been one of them.

While riding in the car, Madeline asked where we were. I told her. She responded with, "What, Mommy?? I can't hear you. I don't have my hearing aids in!" She proceeded to act like she put them in and then said, "Go ahead". HAHAHA. I seriously laughed so hard over that.

I started an IG shop today too...if you're on there, follow me, please & thank you!!!

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