Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy THREE Months, Joseph!

My sweet little Joseph. I cannot believe you are three months old already. I don't know if it is going by fast for you, but it sure is for us.
You are the best sleeping baby I have ever seen. I'm almost tempted to wake you up in the morning when you're sleeping away after 10 hours, but as long as the white noise is on and the swaddle is wrapped tight, you are out. Then, you would think after all that sleep, you would wake up hungry and screaming...nope. You wake up with the biggest, most amazing smile on your face. Always such a happy boy...even when you are greeted, nose to nose, by your sister squealing how cute you are and wishing you a good morning. That wonderful smile starts our day off right.
You are such a content little guy. Happy as can be, wherever you are. You were amazing on our day long car trip to South Carolina and back.
You love to be worn in a sling or wrap. In the pool, to the store, on a walk, at the beach or out to eat. But, you also don't mind having a seat and relaxing by yourself. Cuddling with Daddy on the couch is one of your favorite things to do too.
Your favorite toy right now is your toes. You love grabbing them, watching them and most importantly, nomming on them like they're the best thing you've ever tasted.
With each passing day, you are growing so big and becoming such an adorable little person. We love you so much and cherish every smile, cuddle, coo and kiss.
Happy THREE months, Joseph!

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