Saturday, September 7, 2013

I swear I'm not ranting

Have you ever had to get a child out of their car seat on both sides of your car? What in the hell is up with how tight the parking spots are in shopping centers? I mean, it's impossible to get them both out without ramming the door into the car next to you or actually even being able to get them out at all...I've had to have Madeline climb out of the other side. They should make parking spots for people with more than one kid they have to get out of the car. The spots don't have to be closer to the store, just make them wider. Yeesh.

Guess what, people? It's football season. Awesome. That means if I happen to miss the Ravens game (which I normally do, I'm partial to the Redskins), no worries, when I log onto facebook there is a complete play by play. SUPER! Seriously. I can understand a YAY! or a BOO freaking HOO! at the end of a game, but why must people make a status update about every single play? It's annoying. There should be some football forum for you to join.

Speaking of forums, I think the internet, texting, social networking, better yet, technology has made our youth into anti-social, awkward, know-it-all beings. Have you ever stopped and wondered what in the hell is wrong with this generation? It's obviously technology. It has to be. They sit around, hiding behind screen names and arguing moot points. Try to tell a 25 or younger person ANYTHING. It won't happen, they know it all, like the commercial says, "from the internet". Right down to raising kids. I feel sorry for the younger crowd, starting to have babies. There is so much information out there that you can sometimes become consumed in it all. Society/online baby sites/other mothers/pediatricians all have so many opinions when it comes to raising kids now. They make you worry about med-free birth, cesarean, natural birth, vbac,  nursing, formula feeding, cloth diapering, disposable diapers, baby wearing, stroller pushing, co-sleeping, cry-it-out, vaccinations, discipline, potty training. EVERY single step in your baby's life is a HUGE decision. You are then labeled in one of the four categories, Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, Uninvolved. Wow, the last one is just sad, but we all know a few.

Speaking of parenting, in my opinion, there is no right or wrong way because my motto is "everyone does something different". I have learned to feel this way after belonging to a super, amazing, I can't say enough wonderful things about, group of 66 ladies, moms, best friends, that laugh, talk on the phones for hours, plan trips, send secret gifts, throw AMAZING baby showers. We are all different, yet all the same. Working toward that goal of fulfilling every need of our children, making them excel into amazing adults. It has made me realize there is no right or wrong way. It is YOUR way. However you feel is the best way. And my views may be completely different from yours, but I do things MY way. It is always unbelievable to me, to have 66 mom friends with different views and I have never, ever had a problem. THAT is a bond.

I swear I'm not ranting. Just babbling.haha. Sometimes I tend to do that. But the pictures of my adorable babies make up for it....

I showed Madeline the wonders of a big, empty box tonight. Yep, we pretended it was a house, colored inside, even ate dinner in it. It brought me back to when I was little and we had a big box laying around after the delivery of something big. My imagination would get a good month out of a box that I had colored windows in and made a "home".haha. She is so much like me, in that way.
She had such a blast.
Two monkeys...

Watches every time I'm feeding Joseph...

So she can feed her babies...
I hope I have influenced her. *smile*
Were these moccasins my sisters?
The smiles!

Excuse me?

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