Wednesday, September 18, 2013

oh crap

So, I read my first parenting book yesterday..or most of it, anyway. It was called, " oh crap. potty training". Yep. Madeline is definitely ready, considering she goes all day without a diaper, asks me to put one on when she needs to go and knows when she is going or has gone.Well, the book may as well have been entitled, "oh crap. you're a shitty mother". Yeah. 74 pages in and I felt like the worst mother in the history of mothers. It made me feel like I didn't care enough to potty train before now, that my intelligent daughter would now have low self esteem because I am allowing her to relieve herself in such an uncivilized way and that I'm just lazy. THANK GOD I have amazing friends to cry to and tell me to STOP reading into a parenting book because I am a great mother. Seriously. Their words. Not mine. *blush*
Anyway. After my little meltdown with my girls. I did analyze the situation without beating myself up about my kid talking like a 4 yr old, but still relieving herself in her pants. I even thought back to my son, Joshua, and how he was potty trained a little after a year and a half. There is so much truth in every child is different. But, we also have to remember that every parenting style is different, as well. And I will be the first one to say, I have definitely had two completely different parenting styles....I still do.

With Joshua, I felt like there was something to prove. That, even at 17, I could be a good Mom. I felt like I needed to make him the best he could be. I didn't want him to not excel because of me. So, I always pushed him to try to be the best...he was playing tee-ball at three, counting in his hundreds at two (that just showed when I got his incredible scores in the statewide math test)...maybe I made him grow up too fast.
This time around, I'm all, "These are my babies and I'm keeping them that way!". Don't get me wrong, I have implemented a preschool type program where we go over the day of the week, the weather, her emotions and have a letter of the week....BUT, I'm still pretty laid back compared to the way I was with Joshua. Sometimes I even surprised myself.

Eh, ANYWAY. I guess we do the best we can in the situation we are given. I will feel bad either way....I pushed Joshua too hard, I didn't push Madeline enough, I couldn't give Joseph the one on one attention I did with Madeline. It's a Mom thing. You will ALWAYS doubt yourself. And if you don't, you're doing something wrong. Simple as that. I DO believe that I am a good mother, no matter how much my style may change with each child.haha. Diversity is the key, right?

In other news, I've decided to attend RCIA. *big smiles* I was baptized Catholic, but never completed my sacraments. I will do that NOW. Yep. Enrolled and start next week. Wooo! ?


Letter A
Park trip....

Wearing his sister's hand me down moccasins...

Dressed herself...


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