Monday, September 9, 2013

bow ties

It has started...
I'm making bow ties. Tiny bow ties that will be interchangeable on onesies. I'm pretty excited. I'm not looking to make tons of money, obviously. But, having my IG shop and selling our pre-loved clothes has given me the inspiration to sell other things. So, bow ties and bibdanas it is! Maybe the bibdanas are a little too oversold though...we shall see! I'm starting with the bow ties, in simple fabrics, just to see how I do. If it does well, I'll start busting them out in sports team fabrics, comics and all things fun.

Well, I just say that today is Grandparents Day and I kind of feel like I suck now. That seems to be a day that I just can't remember...and it's a day that would honor the people that are my everything, so I don't know why. When did it even start? I could google that. 1978. Damn. I have no excuse. Sorry, Me-mom, Be-pop, Pop-pop and Mom-Marilyn....and Pop Tony, Mom Cece, Nan & Pap..although you're not MY grandparents, so it's the kids fault on that one.haha. We'll make it up next year.

We went to the mushroom festival today. Yep. We live just minutes away from the mushroom capital of the world, Kennett Square, Pa. When I read about it, it was portrayed as this totally fun, family friendly event. Well, it was not Madeline friendly. It was just jam packed with people, on a tiny street that on went for, what seemed like, miles, with overpriced vendors.... Not so much fun for a 2 1/2 year old. Joseph had a BLAST, though...being worn is perfect for him because he's such a little nosey bug, watching everything that's going on. Too bad his sister wasn't as entertained. There were rides somewhere, but we did not make it there....nope, after countless meltdowns because she was tired, overwhelmed and bored, we left.
I did get this delicious pineapple drink.
But, Madeline was much happier once we returned home and planted pumpkin seeds.

Tomorrow starts a brand new week, a brand new mind set. I have big plans for this week. I plan to go back to the gym., start a preschool routine with Madeline, get some yard work done and some MUCH needed inside stuff too. This little guy we call Joseph has really put a cramp in my productivity....and it's not even his fault. Nope, all mine.

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