Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Nurse Meany

You guys. Our baby is growing so fast. At his appointment today, he weighed in at 13.3 lbs. and 24 inches. I can't even believe it.

The shots were super sad though.... meaning I cried too. I have never seen Joseph cry the way he did, so it made me very emotional. The nurse totally bamboozled him too. She had him smiling and cooing, then she gave him the one, two...yep, got him in both legs. I wish she would have been faster though, the nurse that just retired was always so fast and never wanted the parents to get involved...she was always the bad guy, so we nicknamed her "Nurse Meany". Now I totally miss her and wish she was here. Honestly, she had the best technique. She didn't want the Dr. or the parents to be the bad guy, so she took on that role. Hurting your baby, then handed them back to you....your baby was so shocked that this stranger hurt them that they would stop crying the second they were given back...and really, it was in the matter of seconds, she was that good.  This new nurse has some learning to do...I had to hold my poor buddy's arms and I ended up swooping him into my arms before she could even get the bandaid on. I'm not kidding when I say our son doesn't cry. He lets out a yell, to let us know he means business, and that's it. So, to hear him crying for a couple seconds was too much for my heart to handle.
Yep, there's our big boy. And I'm really missing "Nurse Meany" now that she's not here anymore.

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