Thursday, August 15, 2013


Here I am. Still not completely packed. UGH. I swear I don't know where the day gets to, but man, it flies by! Although, I did get tacos and a pasta dish for 8 prepared. Why would we want to bring meals with us on vacation? A few reasons. Going out with 8 people pretty much takes the entire night, so it's not something we want to do every night. Going out to eat is just about the most boring thing in the world for a least it is for it makes it not fun for us. We'll go out a few nights, but not every night.
We're trying something new this year and leaving on Friday, staying in North Carolina, then making the rest of our way to Myrtle Beach on Saturday morning. I'm looking forward to it! But, I just had a heart palpitation thinking of everything I still have to get done considering I'm leaving for my grandparents tomorrow morning. AHHHH! Mini panic attack. I feel like I have been going non-stop for the past week, yet nothing has been accomplished. Why am I here? I needed to sit down. I'm giving myself a twenty minute break, eating a Wawa pretzel (hell, I may as well...ain't no way I'm going to look better in my bathing suit options at this point anyway), having a glass of wine to settle my nerves so I don't go into a full blown panic attack and then I have a totally crazy, unrealistic to be able to function tomorrow, bedtime set for silly that I won't even share.
I'd also like to mention that our washing machine broke in the middle of me trying to wash and pack. Yeah. So I hand washed what I needed and will order what I think it needs, a coupler. AHHHH!
Someone's ready!
This is a super stressful post. How about some funny things my toddler said today?
"Make sure you pack a diaper for me!"...ok, girlfriend, we'll pack ONE diaper.hahaha!
"Mommy, when you not see Jofuff hungry, I will give him boobie milk."...ummm, I hope I always know when he's hungry.
"Mommy, I fink Josh pooped his pants"...awwwwkward. ((he must have tooted and didn't admit it))

I got some much needed highlights the other day and I felt pretty hot with it all fixed...even though I'm like the fattest I've ever been, but we'll ignore that...I can never fix it the way she can. I straighten and it just looks blah. So, I'll just share the right after pics and not the ones where I straightened it myself. Maybe it's because I have a toddler hanging onto me while I'm fixing it....naaaah, I just need another hand, that's all.

Time for some pictures before I finish packing!! Beco Butterfly, Pool Wrap, Ring Sling, Wrap...this boy might not want to be put down when we come back. I'm ok with that!

This is how I roll.Hair did. Before...

Hey Mom, what's she doing?
Ahhhh ok, just giving me my Nuk. This is ok.
LOVE this silly girl!

Both very uninterested in having a picture taken.

Kisses for her "brudder"

This guy.
Alright. Stuff to be done! Wish me luck! I *might* be back tomorrow before vacation officially starts.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Just think, in no time, your toes will be in the sand. Enjoy! To this day, I always stress when going away on vacation. I pack like I'm moving! It's a big joke I bring all this extra underwear...ummm what am I thinking we're all going to NEED those? Ewww!
    Hair looks great! Relax & enjoy! <3 Susan
