Monday, August 26, 2013

First day

First day back from vacation. First day of high school. First day back to work. First day not being surrounded by family. First day not eating junk. First day back to reality.
I won't start off with the negative of our washer being broken and it not being a simple fix and we'll need to purchase a new one. Nah, that's not cool to come back from vacation and start off on that note. So I'll just ignore it for now.
I'll start off by saying how wonderful our incredibly LONG vacation drive was, even though it was like THREE extra hours of traffic. I can't believe I was ever nervous about traveling across five states with an infant, because he was absolutely amazing. Our driving arrangements made it so that he was occupied by Me-mom for the ride. We did have one incident where I had to climb in the back seat with Me-mom, lean over the car seat and nurse during stand still traffic in Virginia, but other than that, we didn't hear a peep from him. Speaking of nursing, my family is awesome about it. There is no need to go hide or seclude myself or put something over Joseph that distracts him from nursing....everyone in my family just sees it as it is, the baby eating, not "there's Chrissy's boob"...and I find that to be so relaxing and comforting, as would anyone.
Madeline was occupied by Anthony and Uncle Henry in another car...playing games, singing songs and watching dvds. And Joshua was with Pap in his truck....doing what Pap and Josh do.

We had such a great time together...whether it was in our condo, out at Barefoot Landing or Broadway at the Beach, in the pool, at the aquarium, playing cards or even out to eat..we enjoy each others company. I've said it before, I'll say it again, no one loves your children the way their grandparents do. And watching my entire family enjoy each other is always pure bliss. I love that my husband gets a week to enjoy our children the way I do every day. That my Grandparents, Uncle and Dad get to have a week long sleepover with them. Watching my uncle stand and sit out on the balcony for hours at a time always puts a smile on my face too. And that I had an insane amount of "me" time...I sure did get down to the pool and ocean MANY times just to sit out, soak up sun and listen to my thoughts. When nap time hit, I had a good three hours every day...SO nice! I love vacation and it is so nice to hear everyone say next year the kids will be this way or we'll do this. It brings me such joy that instead of being sad it is over (I'm only secretly sad), we all talk about next year. I love thinking about next year.

Joshua's first day of high school sounded like a whirlwind. YES, I am the mother of a high schooler!!!!! How in the hell did that happen??? I'm totally not THAT old. Damn. Haha!..I'm joking...kinda. I'm not really looking forward to it, but trying to remain positive. I'm sure you'll be hearing about it.

Madeline ate NON-STOP today....eggs, 3 kiwi, 2 plums, bananas, peas, brown rice, beans, pb&j, cheese, an insane amount of grapes, crackers, etc. Want to know why?? She had WAY too much junk over vacation. Her body was definitely craving her normal diet. After seeing that, I think I'm going to refrain from letting everyone go buck wild with the treat giving. Her body is definitely not used to it and that showed today. My body, on the other hand, craved what I had all week!!! haha!

The reality of not having an audience was a little bit of a challenge for Madeline today, but that was expected. She even asked if we were going to Me-mom and Be-pop's today.
Joseph was as pleasant as always. Probably just happy not to be in the car.

Well, how about some pictures?? I have more on my camera, but that's still in Me-mom and Be-pops car. Here's what I have from my phone...and I'll try not to repeat the ones I already posted on facebook, unless I really LOVED them.
And NOW for an INSANE amount of pictures..........I'll even caption some!
Turtle floating!

I can swim alone!

Swimming with Me-mom

Just chillin

Loved to be thrown around

These two. Partners in crime.

With Me-mom & Be-pop

Who's that handsome cat?

Oh, it's me.

Again, Daddy!

Being thrown by her guys.


Swimming alone.

Night swimming....

Just nursing at a stop.

Love this.

With our little guy.

Look at this love.

Ready to roll.


Love this guy.


Oh, just working out.

What's that yellow float??

THIS girl.

Baby wearing MANIAC.

Snack by the pool.

UH on the beach....

Alone at the pool SELFIE!

THIS hat caught the ladies' eyes...HA!!!!!

She had a BLAST jumping around...

Be-pop took advantage of the hat as a conversation if he needed one.

Be-pop LOVED this hat so much he needed another picture.haha


Night on the beach


Daddy let her get in the pool IN HER CLOTHES! Only on vacation.

Cutie pies.

Since every little brother needs a "Hooters Girls Love Me" shirt.

He fell asleep every time I wore him in the pool.

With Bepop & UH.

Figured out a baby wearing brother turns heads.ha!

Having a late night donut.


Lunch on the balcony, anyone?

Dancing queen!

ARG! Pirate tats!

The "wing awound".

Right before this, someone stopped me and said, "You are doing such a beautiful thing. Wearing your child in such a gorgeous way. You have just made my night." Amazing thoughts from a stranger.

My little lifeguard. Feel safe??


  1. LOVE the family. Love the Mini Mom, Love - love that you are so in love and share this loving family!
    Much Love,

  2. LOVE the family. Love the Mini Mom, Love - love that you are so in love and share this loving family!
    Much Love,

    1. Thanks, "Aunt" Cathy! We are definitely SO in love with this family of ours and I'm glad it shines through in my blogs!

  3. Great pics. as always. Looks like an awesome vacation. Can't wait to see you all soon! <3 Susan

    1. Thank you, Susan! Hope to see you soon! Madeline misses "the gurls"!
