Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pregnancy Brain

You know when you completely forget something and people say, "Oh, don't worry, that's just 'pregnancy brain'." Well, I'm starting to wonder if it's "pregnancy brain" that I have or "toddler brain" or maybe "losing my mind with a teenager brain"...or maybe a combo of all three making me completely incapable of remembering anything. What would that be called? Oh yeah, "children at any stage will make you semi-incompetent brain". That's what it is.
There are times when I get so much exercise with the amount of forgetting I do that there is no need for the gym. I actually feel like I deserve a nap after I'm done getting Madeline and myself ready to leave. I travel up and down the steps approximately 50 or more times a day. Why? I'm pretty damn forgetful these days. 

I forgot to bring Madeline's clothes down.*runs up*
*runs down* 
Oops, her socks too.*runs up*
*runs down*
Oh yeah, I left her shoes up there at nap time yesterday. *runs up*
*runs down* 
Never mind, she wants to wear the rain boots today, also upstairs. *runs up*
*runs down* 
Damn, my wedding ring is in the bathroom. *runs up*
*runs down*
Shit, pony tail holders are up there too. *runs up*
*runs down*
Ah, we're ready. Let's go get in the car.
Since I have a cup of water, Madeline NEEDS one too. *runs in*
*runs out*
Oh, I guess I need the keys to start the car. *runs in*
*runs out*

Ummmm....I guess you get the point. I could seriously run through my entire day, which is just as I described, but I'm sure it was becoming tedious. Yep, I know...it's a little much. But, when you have a toddler talking to you the entire time you are trying to do anything, it's enough to make anyone lose track of what they're doing...I hope...

Speaking of endless toddler conversations, I have been going out alone on Saturday mornings and this Saturday, I couldn't believe how quiet the car was. I usually don't have the radio on because then I cannot hear what Madeline is talking about, so about 10 minutes into my ride of deafening silence, I started laughing. I found the silence of a two year old NOT talking my ear off hilarious...and it's kind of boring too. Then I usually get the radio going and sing to myself, after I take a few minutes of quiet time. I know I need it, even if it seems so odd, so I take it. 
Where have I been going? Outgrown sales. Completely addicted. It's like a ginormous consignment sale where you get amazing name-brand clothes in great condition. I find it hard to spend full price on clothes anymore and usually don't. I have scored so many awesome things in the past three weekends...except for a baby sling or wrap...really thought I'd have a little luck there, but nope. Among many other things, I did get these super cute rain boots she's sporting today for $1.50...

I'll brag and post this too....
All this = $45
(the little red apple shirt, to the right, from Gap is my fave) 

I love getting deals. Joshua always makes fun of me and says "Thrift Shop" is my favorite song. I'm not going to lie, I think I was singing that in my head before the song even came out. One of the things I like most? It's not going to be something everyone is wearing because that is the new line that just came out. I don't really keep up with what's "in" anyway, I mean I'm not going to look sloppy and in the wrong decade, but I wear what speaks to me instead of what fashion designers have decided is the new trend. And that usually goes for all aspects of me... home,  hair, makeup, shoes, clothes. But sometimes I do jump on the trend train. I just like to be me. My own style...good or bad.hahaha.

Tonight will be a Pinterest meal that I'll post later or tomorrow.

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