Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What a joke.

We spent a few hours at the pool today and that took a lot out of all of us. Madeline and Joseph both went down for an immediate nap and I wanted to...but it seems as much as I would love to nap, I can never bring myself to do it. It just doesn't feel right. Plus, there's always something to do.

Our Ripken tournament was not what we thought it would be. I thought they were actually going to get to play on the main field.hahaha. Nope, there's a whole complex of regular fields with fancy major league names. That's where we played. And stunk.completely. This was just a thrown together sandlot team facing teams that had won district titles in Florida...it was almost like watching an entire blooper video. Oh well. We came, we saw, they played some ball.  There should be pictures up on the website soon, which I'm excited to see.
This weekend was actually one big baseball letdown. After getting our asses behinds handed to us in that tournament, we had the Legion AllStar game to attend last night at 7...which Joshua was super excited about. Well, our coach never submitted the required information and our boys were never put on the roster...meaning they didn't get their AllStar jersey. I felt horrible for them, being the only ones playing in their regular uniforms. But, that right there was a reflection on the coach, in front of every other coach in the county. We have had so many problems this year...but this isn't the time or the place for all of that. Let's just say we are anything but impressed with our Legion experience.What a joke.

I'm becoming a bit overwhelmed with the things I cannot seem to get to lately. You may be asking what in the hell I'm doing on here then. A girl needs a little break every now and then. But I guess I should be doing something more productive.
The outside of our house looks like a jungle. Anthony has always been the grass cutter and I am the weeder, whacker, gardener. It's not happening this year. He actually tried to use the weed whacker tonight and it is broke.UGH. I'm sure our neighbors are thrilled with our lack of landscaping.
The toys are always scattered. This is Josh's job. He is not very good at it.
Our rooms are a mess. Mainly because I try to bring things upstairs to straighten downstairs.
Ummm....don't get me started on the unorganized kitchen...it makes my nerves bad to think about it.
The garage is cluttered.
I'm going to stop. This post is stressing me out.
On a positive note, I have almost finished my millions of Thank You cards. I'm just waiting on a few to come in the mail so I can send them out. I wanted to have the birth announcements ordered Monday, but I left my laptop at Memom and Bepops where the pictures are. [[I'll also post baseball pictures when I get it back, this old laptop cannot handle anymore pictures]] Yeah, our baby will be 2 months old when I finally get them out. I guess that positive note when downhill fast. Ha! I have no time. My carpal tunnel also JUST went completely away. It was slowly getting better, now I'm 100% again. Yeah, such a slacker.
It's not only because of our new addition, but it is also all of this baseball. Eh, but mainly it's the new addition. I feel like if I have a few minutes where Madeline is occupied, I need to spend it with Joseph so he has that chance for one on one time. And it is SO worth it. This boy has the most amazing smile. He's such happy baby.

Even when he's nursing, Madeline is not far behind....


  1. You got this, momma. You know nobody cares that the weeds are growing or the toys are out. Just keep on enjoying your kids! You're doing it right! And, confession: Kaia's birth announcement doubled as an Easter card. And that was just with one.

    1. Thank you, Harmony! In the end, I know I'm taking care of what is most important...even if everything else is crumbling around me.haha!
      I'll feel better once I get the cards out, for sure.
      Love! xoxo!
