Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Obsess much?

Joshua's Confirmation went really well last night. It was LONG. Like an hour and 15 minutes longer than we expected. It was an entire Mass, plus some. WOW. And we were not allowed to take pictures during the actual Confirmation.... I guess because the Bishop was there, who knows. But, anyone who knows me, knows that made me sad. We were not able to have a party for him either. Who can come to a party on a Monday night? Especially when most of the famiyl lives in Md. Oh well, he got to choose where he went to dinner. And where did he decide? Applebees. haha. Silly Kid. Fine dining = Applebees.
Pop Tony was his Sponser. these.

He loves his little sister.

This is his principal. We love Sister Anne. I'd like to get a bumper sticker that says that. :)

With Jade, the girly friend.

And who doesn't love a good diaper only pic?

YAY! My Mother's Day gift came today. A little late, huh? Yeah, about that. It was a little hard to find, but luckily we have a friend that works for Nordstroms and Anthony asked for her help. She called and searched every store for us. Finally they found it in Rhode Island. It's the Petunia Pickle Bottom, Japanese Tea Satchel from their It's a Small World Collection. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. So, when it came, naturally I took a picture to show my husband. One in purse mode, one in backpack mode.

And THIS is what he sends back......

Ah yes, mocking me with his co-workers. Hmpf. Well you know what else he did to me today? Shared my just woke up, morning pic with the entire [FB] world! Yep, looking a mess, lipstick still on from Confirmation the night before and every thing.

Yes, it is an adorable pic of our daughter... me, not so much. Here's me, in all my blotchy morning skin glory.haha. I do love how M's arm is around me like "Hey Mom, let's make this a silly one, stick out your tongue too!". hehe. She makes even the worst picture of me seem cute.
So, M is less than an inch away from rolling over. She is so close I consider it rolling over, it's just that one arm that is holding her back from the real deal. So, now my mission is to catch the phone, camera, video or just witnessing....I sit there and watch for up to an hour at a time. Ummm.....obsess much?
She will get this far then can't get her arm out, so tips all the way onto her back again. SO close.

I will get you, Sophie.

I'll look at my hands so you don't know I'm going to get you, Sophie.

Nooooo MOM! That was all part of my game! I wanted to get Sophie myself!

Ahhhh yes, the many poses of Madeline.hehe.

I'm quite sure all the pictures saved this from being a long, boring post. :P


  1. The picture of your husband with his bag is hillarious!!! I literally LOL'd this morning when I saw it. And the "first thing in the morning pic" of the two of you is gorgeous!

  2. It was pretty funny when I saw that picture of my husband! He's always being goofy and definitely keeps a smile on my face.
    Thank you, you are too kind! :)
