Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm not gonna lie...

First, who designs a white kitchen? The jerk that designed these town homes is probably sitting back and having a good laugh right now. People that do not cook or spend much time in their kitchen may find it feasible, but for someone like myself who cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner it is ridiculous. There is no way to keep it clean...I scrubbed and scrubbed and came to that conclusion. And who doesn't design a walk-off the back deck? It's just a closed-in upper and lower deck with a nice area behind it. Why wouldn't they think to have an opening and some steps down to the grass? Again, the jerk is laughing. Laughing because we are renting from this community for almost $1700 a month. Oh, and there is carpet AT the front door. Yes, no foyer or anything of the sort....carpet that gets dingy/dirty from everyone coming in and out, even with the runner I have put there. Seriously, I want to poorly design town homes on a golf course and charge people $1700 a month to live in them. We are here and renting partly because we are so indecisive about where we are going to permanently plant our roots. My husband gets upset when I complain, which is understandable, because of how much he pays every month for us to live here. Sorry honey.
I'm not gonna lie.... I miss Maryland. I miss the people....or should I say having people. I miss wanting to see my Me-mom & Be-pop and hopping in the car for a 5-10 minute drive to see them. I miss having friends. I miss having one of my best of friends living next door ::thinks:: if I were there right now, I'd call her and she would come outside to talk, even though it's past midnight. I miss that. I miss my Dad and my Mom and my awesome little brother, Joey. I miss everything.... calling people up to have lunch, stopping by some one's house, running into people I know, knowing the right places to go, everything. Now that I'm a stay at home Mom, I  have time to think and it just now sunk in that I miss these things.
I had a chance, you know, to come back to Maryland. Anthony wanted to move us back before the baby, almost as if he knew these feelings would kick in. But I declined. I couldn't take Josh out of school and move him again. He just developed relationships and I couldn't bare uprooting him again. I also knew that Anthony wouldn't be happy, he said he wouldn't care, but I knew living in Md would irk him.
If my boys aren't happy, I'm not happy.


  1. I miss you too! Sooooooooooooooo much. We's like peas and carrots. lol I do miss our midnight talks about crazy stuff.....belly fat...pretzels.......gas......haha Now, in our lives, there are so many similarites. Marriage, babies and puberty!!!! What the heck??? When we met, I would have never thought that we would have been so close, but I do cherish our friendship and I love you dearly!! Nikki

    Oh, I am RSVP'ing for tomorrow

  2. Chrissy, your post just made me tear up! The best part is you have awesome friends who will be there for you whatever the distance is...what a blessing! I'm sure you miss the day to day, but you are the best about coming back for visits. Thank you! Also, I am sure you are meeting new people in the community through school, sports & sweet baby Madeline. :) BTW I LOVE that Anthony is so flexible about moving. He is truly a great family man. Also Chrissy, once you pick your next home you will quickly's amazing. I was sad about moving from Pasadena to Ferndale...(20 minutes away!) LOL! I've met great new friends, but will never forget the old. :) Love, Susan
