Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Over-priced dog squeaker named Sophie

All day long Madeline smiled yesterday, she was extra happy. I think it was the beautiful weather. Either way, it was a super happy baby day! Although, she is a wonderful baby, so laid back and occupies herself a lot...this was Josh's temperament also.

Her happiest time is in the morning, so I was going to get her baptism pictures taken then. Well, Anthony wanted to come and I loved that he did, so we made a 7pm appointment. She was smiling and happy up until we put her in the 3 layer baptism dress and under those hot portrait studio lights. She didn't cry, but she had this "I've got 'em twisted" look on her face the entire time. Her face was so scrunched up that it looked like she had 5 chins.haha! We did everything and probably sounded nuts doing it, yelling, singing, you name it...not even Sophie the Giraffe helped. So, needless to say, I have an appointment for tomorrow at noon. I figure we will get a good nap in, then try again.
There is this little craze called Sophie the Giraffe (click the link to see her "story"), that everyone INSISTED and RAVED that I needed to get...."Oh, it's the most wonderful thing ever, babies love her, it helps with teething later on...". Ok, she is basically an over-priced dog squeaker made with natural rubber and food paint. So, BRU just started carrying Sophie and I had to see for myself if my baby would really love this dumb thing. Yep. It's crazy. I think Sophie's spots hypnotize babies..."this is Sophie, you NEED Sophie, you WILL love Sophie". Like a sucker, Madeline now has this squeaky little baby crazed phenomenon....and she has even made her squeak![which was SUPER exciting for both of us.haha]
See, the spots are telling her something...........

Today was shot day....I was sad. I HATE that feeling that someone is going to hurt my baby, even if it's just for a second. And yes, I cry....12 years later, I still cry seeing my babies get a shot. She cried with the first one, stopped and looked at me as I held her hand, then, with her big eyes and a poked out lip, I knew she got the second one too. She's been very tired and cuddly today, but hopefully she will perk right back up tomorrow.


  1. I think you make one hell of a domestic diva, you are an amazing mom, wonderful person, awesome friend and you are just downright gorgeous. You have all of the mixings to be simply the most fabulous domestic diva there ever was. Alicia

  2. Hehe, she is so cute. She's so calm. I wish I had mom like you. I could have used one, but luckily I had my sister for a time.

  3. Chrissy, I am trying to figure out how to comment on here. My friend swears by Sophie...she's vanilla scented too if I remember correctly. It's baby crack...LOL! I'm enjoying your posts. I used to keep a journal back in the day with all of the kids' milestones. I'm loving this blog because it lets me see the day to day life of sweet Maddie. Love, Susan
