Friday, May 17, 2013


This is THE weekend. The one where I get absolutely everything done that I want before the baby comes. Only one problem. I twisted/sprained/something'ed my damn ankle. I'll admit, it's pretty flippin painful..not as bad as yesterday though. But, it's alright, my determination will work through. I will prevail! haha. Hell, with everything that has happened this pregnancy, this is a piece of cake.
I'm starting to feel guilty. I know I had everything completely ready, all ducks in a row, at this point when we were awaiting Madeline. So, what in the world have I been waiting on? Who knows. I made a list of what I need and what needs to be done. Time to get on it. This post is starting to give me anxiety, so I'll move on from that.

Joshua is going to be FOURTEEN on Sunday. For real. I'm excited for fourteen though, thirteen was entirely too rough of a year. Way too much drama in the girl department. So, I'm hoping he has learned from it and this year will be better...he will slow down, be a kid and not have a girlfriend. The problem that we are having is that he may be a young teen, but he looks like an adult...tall, lean, muscular, full beard and all. The girls are digging, not so much. The mama bear kicks in hard core and I start wishing I could be a teen for just five minutes. That is all I'd need. Anyway, 3 more weeks of school and I will also have a high school student. Wow. It is amazing how fast these kids grow up. One minute you can hold them in your arms, the next they are 2 feet taller than you. Oh, that might only be me. He has that teenage attitude, but he is also a sweet, fun-loving, caring kid, an amazing baseball player (you all know this because I'm constantly bragging), an awesome big brother and truly my shining star. Even though I complain about these teenage years so much, I still love him dearly and try to help him through the best I can..making me the bad guy 99% of the time.
Here's hoping for a wonderful fourteenth year! I'm sure I'll post a cake picture. Madeline is WAY into making cakes these days, so who knows what kind of surprise we will have! ha.
How in the world do they go from this....

To this?
Here's some more pitching pictures from last night...

And one of the baby girl showing her attitude yesterday..

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