Monday, May 6, 2013

whose mom can scrub the best?

White baseball jerseys and white pants are the dumbest choice EVER. Do they just want to see whose mom can scrub the best? Baseball dirt is not like normal dirt, oh no. It doesn't mean just throwing in some extra bleach and oxyclean. It means breaking out a sponge and putting in some serious time, effort and elbow grease...only for it to still look dingy. They would probably look less ridiculous in bright pink uniforms than these stained white ones. Oh well, I tried...for a significant amount of time this morning.
Hopefully it will look better than that once I soak then wash it in oxyclean, borax and bleach.

Today's the day! My chiro appointment is at 4:30. I feel like a 22 year old that is anticipating a party with an open bar! Man, that just made me sound old.
So, I've kind of been thinking about it a little...but not so much that it is an obsession...yet. I think I may have done this to myself. I can feel the baby move to a transverse position and it is almost like it cannot go any further. Is it possible that my 2-3 times a week at Pilates has tightened my muscles a little too much not allowing the baby to move into the right position? <- was that a run-on question? Maybe. Is it crazy to think that? Possibly. Or maybe not. It seems to make sense to me. I'll talk to the Dr about my crazy tonight.

And one more thing that bothers me. People that side-eye my toddler and me when she's "having a moment" know, one of those b-r-a-t moments that already make you feel like the worst mother ever then you happen look over at just the moment when someone is staring. The worst part? It's usually a woman with an infant or an 8 or whatever year old. I'd like to tell the woman with the infant that her day will come, so keep on staring, hopefully I will run back into you, then I would give you the 'I totally understand' look instead. Or the woman with the 8 yr old that I'm sure her angel never acted that way, but just wait, they digress when they hit about 12 and you will feel like you're dealing with a toddler all over again. Oh, I almost forgot the woman on her lunch break that look at you with pity...ummm, your kid may be acting the same way right now and you don't know it, do you?, so take advantage of your freedom on lunch break instead of staring at us!
I'm mainly amused by these women that have either never experienced a toddler moment or have forgotten all about them. My kid is not evil, she's being a toddler, learning how to communicate and express herself...she just needs some help with that along the way.


  1. My boss had a friend that exercised so much, her muscles were to tight to push the baby and had to have a c-section. :(

    1. Yeah, it's not my exercising, it was the damn Pilates...conditioning myself to strengthen my core at all times when in fact I needed to let it relax. Boo. But, that is ok...the chiro is working me good and stretching, loosening those muscles.
